Tagged: alien encounters

Mimicry of Alien contact

Much of what we know about aliens comes from what abductees and contactees themselves report. Only when such information is factual and relevant can meaningful conclusions be reached. Fabrication, hallucination, and screen memories obscure the truth, and so various protocols exist to improve the signal to noise ratio. These...

UFO-Alien Abduction Still Haunts Travis Walton

 Close encounters of the FOURTH kind. That’s when a person claims to have been kidnapped by a UFO and its reportedly otherworldly occupants. Of course, there’s no tangible evidence that anyone has ever been taken aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft. But there are those who claim...

Charles Hall and Tall White aliens

Charles Hall’s Millennial Hospitality book series, describing his encounters with a race of human-like extraterrestrials – the “Tall Whites” (TW) – during a two year duty assignment at Nellis Air Force Base from 1965 to 1967. (excerpts) “Hall saw Air Force generals return from distant,...

Howard Menger

  The “G.I.’s” predictions proved remarkably accurate. After being sent to Hawaii, as he had promised, I was taken out of the tank crew and transferred to Battalion Headquarters and made a battalion draftsman; and, as predicted, I did work on detached service with the...

Inside the old mason

(excerpt) …I Have a step-grandfather — dollar millionaire, it is not Hilo density “Mason”. 2 weeks ago I went to visit him. And started the topic about higher civilization, mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. We discussed it the whole evening. He also told me in...

Gulf Breeze contactee

More information on humanoid alien groups comes from an anonymous account titled, UFOs in the Gulf Breeze-Pensacola Area: Contact Since 1955.The author was contacted by a blond man and blond woman in silver jump-suits. They introduce themselves and said they would be visiting periodically. The...

Eyewitnesses blond aliens

“I remember looking at his face and his eyes were very similar to a human’s except they were a beautiful blue and a bit larger than ours. I looked at him and studied his face and head and saw that he had peach fuzz for...

Vilas Boas

Another famous encounter involving similar beings is that of Antônio Vilas-Boas, a Brazilian farmer who was abducted in October of 1957. The beings he encountered apparently communicated through speech that sounded like barks and growls and could be considered similar to the way the beings...