How to avoid Hell?




The description of hell, who had been in hell illustration

Hell is an artificially created world, the place of punishment in which fall wicked people after death. Hell need for educational purposes, to civilization lived in love and kindness. Because fear of hell is stronger than pride, revenge, greed and any other vice.

Hell is below ground level, in the semi-material world. This world is a different density than our world. Therefore that worlds can exist simultaneously in one place and not interfere with each other. Hell is within the our planet, under the ground. The Hell is not as big as Paradise, which is located in the outer space of our solar system. In the Hell the role of demons performs another advanced civilization hostile to people.

“Tall white aliens” didn’t want to mutilate your soul, becoming tormentors in hell. They given the opportunity to do it other civilization. The inhabitants of this civilization vent anger on the people, to torment and revenge us. They hate people, because humans were created “in the image and likeness” of their creators, because of which they are forced to live underground and hide their existence.

To avoid Hell is impossible, if the person deserved it. Some people will think: “I didn’t know about this and didn’t agree to such conditions”, but it will be too late. Only when the earthly life of a person can be saved from Hell. He can apologize before those whom has offended, or to return the stolen. This is much easier than to pay for sins in Hell. Many people are sinners, someone in a minor, and someone to a greater extent.


To start with a clean slate, a person must apologize to the «Creators» for his sins that were done in the lifetime. He must sincerely regret the sins you have committed. If you’re offended on someone, you must forgive his, because to keep hatred in the heart is also sin.

Of course, it is impossible to remember all the sins and many people will not be able to sincerely repent. Therefore, if possible, it is better to ask for forgiveness from someone or to correct the consequences of their bad deeds. If this isn’t possible and the person barely remembers your sins, he should know thatin the earth life he always possible to compensate its with good deeds. For example: you can very well educate their children, help the needy, give good advice, come up with something useful. Any action, that would bring benefit other people, will be counted. It’s doesn’t count if the person boast about a good deed.

“Good deed” should be the initiative of the person, not the work and not taken for granted.

And of course, after repentance of their sins, you must live right, control your actions, words, thoughts, get rid of bad habits. You have a lot of questions: “What is considered sin and what is not?” You can think about what is good and what is bad or read the Teachings of Jesus, the Bible, the Holy Testament. Religious fanatics will not escape Hell if they do bad things. Faith, prayer, going to Church, the observance of religious holidays do not give them the privilege over unbelievers. A person can to repent in any place, not defiantly, it’s not necessary to go to Church. Pray also no use. Prayer doesn’t help, but still the angel is watching you and hears all your thoughts. The main thing to be a good man!


«I found myself in the cell, and these 4 creatures were in the cell with me. One Demon just grabbed me and picked me up, and threw me into the wall like a glass. And threw me into the wall, and every bone in my body just broke.  And I felt pain! The one picked me up, and the other one, with his razor-sharp claws; he just shredded my flesh right off.  He just tore it off. I wondered, “Why am I alive, why am I living through this?  I don’t understand why am I not dead.”  My flesh just hung there in ribbons.  And there was no blood.»

«I began to hear the voices of a multitude of people. They were screaming, groaning and crying. But as I was looking down, it appeared like a volcanic opening. I saw fire, smoke and people inside of this burning place. They were screaming and crying, they were burning, but they weren’t burning up, they weren’t being consumed. Then I began moving downward into this opening… The smell was like sulfur, like an electric welder, the stench was terrible.»

«Along side the fire I could see through the flames, just enough to see bodies, people in the fire screaming, screaming for mercy, burning in this place! And I knew I didn’t want to go in there. The pain I’d endured already was bad enough, but the heat from that flame I knew was worse. These people were begging to get out. There were these big creatures lined all around the edge of this Pit, and as the people crawled up trying to get out, they would be shoved back in to the fire and not allowed out.  I thought, “Oh, this place is so horrible, so horrible and horrendous… I knew that Hell’s location is under the earth. “»

«When I started looking around, I saw people being tormented by demons. There was a lady there suffering, a demon was torturing her. This demon would cut off her head and with his long spear he would stab her everywhere.  He didn’t care. In her eyes, in here body, in her feet, in here hands, he didn’t care. Then he would put her head back on her body and would stab her and stab her. She would cry with screams of agony.»

«There I was met by a being that is utterly impossible for me to describe. I can only give you a faint idea of his dreadful appearance. He resembled a man somewhat, but was much larger than any human being I ever saw. He had a spear in his hand… I beheld the lake of fire. Just before me I could see, as far as the eye could reach, that literal lake of fire and brimstone. Huge billows of fire would roll over each other, and great waves of fiery flame would dash against each other and leap high in the air like waves of the sea during a violent storm. On the crest of the waves I could see human beings rise, but soon to be carried down again to the lowest depths of this awful lake of fire.»

«All around him he could hear the screams of millions of damned souls, but their company was meaningless, because he understood that he was by himself and that this would last for eternity. At one point, a team of demons showed up to eat his flesh right from the bone, only to have it immediately grow back so they could eat it again.»

«I looked one direction, all black, and all I heard was screams, billions of people screaming in this place.  I knew there were billions, and it was so loud. Everything is dominated by fear… The darkness was so heavy; it just eats up any light. But there was enough to just see some of the skyline. It was all brown and desolate! I mean absolutely not one green leaf, not anything of life of any kind, just stone, dirt and black sky, and smog in the skylight. The flames were really high, so I could see it. The heat was so intense, you can even describe it.»



23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese

How to avoid Hell?“It is an honor to be here. We don’t do this for a living.  We don’t do this for money.

But first I want to address a couple things, questions that might be in your mind. The first question that would be in mine, if I was listening to me, would be, “How do you know it wasn’t just a dream that you had?  A Bad dream?” A couple points to make, first of all, I had left my body. I saw my body when I returned, lying on the floor.  So I know for sure it was an out of body experience.

Also in returning from this, it took me a year to calm down, and become like a normal person again.  I was so upset and traumatized from the fear.

I saw my body from the side. Don’t know how, then I was just dropped into a prison cell, just like a regular prison cell, like you imagine, with rough huge stone walls and bars on the door.  I didn’t know where I was yet.

All I knew was that it was extremely hot, terribly hot.  It was so hot, I couldn’t believe, that I was alive. I felt like I should have disintegrated with this heat, but I was still alive.

I found myself in the cell, and these 4 creatures were in the cell with me. I didn’t know they were demons at the time, because I went there as an unsaved person. I didn’t understand why, but He explained it to me on the way back.  These creatures, I didn’t realize that they were demons, but they were enormous.

How to avoid Hell?

Anyway, it was all scaly.  This one had scales all over its body, giant jaws with huge teeth, and claws sticking out, along with sunken-in eyes.  They were just enormous.  And the other one didn’t looked like this at all, but it had razor sharp fins all over with one long arm and out of proportion feet.  Everything was deformed and twisted and out of proportion, out of symmetry, no symmetry, one arm longer and one shorter and just odd looking creatures, horrible, horrible looking things.

Then they turned their attention to me. I knew these things were assigned to me, to torture me forever in this place.

I was lying on the floor in this cell and I had absolutely no strength in my body.  I wondered, “Why can I hardly move, what is wrong with me?”  I was just aware of no strength, and I was helplessly lying there.  One Demon just grabbed me and picked me up, and threw me into the wall like a glass.  He just picked me up like a glass. That was how light I was, or how strong he was.  And threw me into the wall, and every bone in my body just broke.  And I felt pain!  I just began to lie on the floor there, crying out for mercy, but these creatures don’t have any mercy at all, absolutely no mercy.

The one picked me up, and the other one, with his razor-sharp claws; he just shredded my flesh right off.  He just tore it off. I wondered, “Why am I alive, why am I living through this?  I don’t understand why am I not dead.”  My flesh just hung there in ribbons.  And there was no blood.

I understood these demons had about 1000 times the strength of a man.  So even if I had my natural strength, I could not have fought them off anyway.  So I was absolutely at their mercy, which they don’t have any mercy.  The Demons run your life in Hell.

How to avoid Hell?

The smell of these demons and the smell in Hell were so atrocious; I can’t even describe it to you.  There was a smell of burning flesh, of sulfur.   The smell of these demons was like an open sewer, putrid, rotten meat, bad eggs, sour milk and everything you can imagine.  Take it in, times 1000, and put it up to your nose.   And you just breathe it in.  It was so toxic, that it would kill you, if you were here in this body, you would die.  And I wondered, “Why am I living through this smell, it is so horrendous?”  But again you don’t die, you have to endure it.

I managed to crawl out, somehow I was able to crawl and they let me apparently.  I remembered where the door was so I crawled towards it and I felt my way, and I got outside the cell.  I looked one direction, all black, and all I heard was screams, billions of people screaming in this place.  I knew there were billions, and it was so loud.  If you have ever heard someone scream before, it is so annoying.  Well if you hear billions of people screaming, you can’t imagine how it affects your mind.  You just can’t stand it. You hold your ears because it is so loud and penetrating.  You can’t get away from the screams.  And the fear that overcomes you is unbelievable.  Everything is dominated by fear.

The fear, I got a tell you, was so powerful.  It grips you. When I was really young we were in Coco Florida surfing and there was a school (group) of sharks coming around me.  And a 9 foot Tiger shark came up and bit my board right in a half.  And it grabbed me by the leg and pulled me down.  So my leg was in the mouth of this giant shark. But for a few moments, the fear that comes into you is absolute overwhelming. The fear was terrifying. So I understand fear, but that fear was nothing, absolute nothing compared to the fear I felt in Hell, no comparison at all.

I was now outside the cell and I looked this direction and as I looked this way I could see there was flames of fire, about 10 miles away from me.  I knew it was 10 miles.  And a pit of fire, about 3 miles across, had flames that lit up the skyline enough to see the landscape of Hell just a little bit.

The darkness was so heavy; it just eats up any light.  But there was enough to just see some of the skyline.  It was all brown and desolate!  I mean absolutely not one green leaf, not anything of life of any kind, just stone, dirt and black sky, and smog in the skylight. The flames were really high, so I could see it.

The heat was so intense, you can even describe it.

That’s what is going on in Hell, it is so hot.  All these things should kill you, but you don’t die!  You had to keep enduring all these things.  I wanted peace of mind, to get away from the screams and to get out of there.  It’s like when you want to go home at night, when you had a rough day, you just want peace of mind.  But there you endured all the screaming and all the torment.  And you never ever get away from it, ever.

Then one of the demons grabbed me, and drug me back into the cell and began all these torments again, which I really hate to talk about, because I don’t like to have to re-live the torment.  They began to crush my skull.  One demon grabbed me and tried to crush my head.  I was screaming and begging for mercy, but no mercy!  About this time they each grabbed an arm and a leg and were about to tear off my legs and my arms.  I thought, “I can’t endure this, I can’t endure this!”

And all of a sudden, something grabbed me and pulled me out of this cell.   I was beneath a cavern, like a giant cave, with a tunnel going up.

Along side the fire I could see through the flames, just enough to see bodies, people in the fire screaming, screaming for mercy, burning in this place!  And I knew I didn’t want to go in there.  The pain I’d endured already was bad enough, but the heat from that flame I knew was worse.  These people were begging to get out.

There were these big creatures lined all around the edge of this Pit, and as the people crawled up trying to get out, they would be shoved back in to the fire and not allowed out.  I thought, “Oh, this place is so horrible, so horrible and horrendous.”

I knew that Hell’s location is under the earth.

Demons. I was along side this pit of fire and I saw all these demons all lined up along the walls, all sizes and shapes of every kind, deformed, ugly creatures, you can imagine.  They were twisted, deformed creatures, huge ones, small ones.  There were giant spiders, huge spiders this big. I began to ascend up this pit in this tunnel, and to leave the flames.  Soon it got darker, but I could see all these demons along the walls.

The worse thing in Hell, the worse thing, worse than all the torments, was I understood that, first of all, that there was life going on up here on the earth.  And that people up here, most people, had no idea that this world even existed down here!  They don’t even know this is a real world down there’s billions of people suffering.

All of the sudden, just all of the sudden, someone showed up.  I said, “Why I’m here? ”  He said to me “Because people do not believe that this place exists.”  I was shocked at that statement. He said, “Go and tell people about it”.How to avoid Hell?

Leaving Hell. As we left, we went up above the earth’s surface.  I saw the outline of our planet. It’s awesome to look back at the earth!  Maybe I watched too much Star Trek or something, you know?  I just thought it would be really neat to see the earth.

We went down to the Earth.

We were coming up fast on California. Just coming real fast, we were moving so quick, and came up to our house.  And I looked and I could see right through the roof of our house.  And I could see myself lying on the floor.  This really hit me strong, right here because I saw my body lying there and I thought, “That can’t be me, I’m here, this is me!”  You know, you’ve never seen two of yourself.  Here I was laying there and I thought, “That’s not really me.”

I came up to my body, and something pulled me back into my body, like I was sucked back. I was screaming.  I was in agony.  I couldn’t live with it. But, despite this, I was thankful that I have a chance to live differently and to avoid hell.

You might be saying to yourself.  “I’m pretty good.  I’m a pretty good person. I don’t deserve that place.”

Jennifer Perez

Jennifer Perez

“My name is Jennifer Perez and I’m 15 years old. I had a friend, and we were only friends, nothing more, and he knew that.   That night, he called me and asked if I could go to him.

At first, we were just talking, so I said, “while we’re waiting, why don’t we get something to drink?”

I went to the restroom to fix my hair and do girl things, and when I came out my cup was already served. After this, I don’t know what happened.

But when I could see, I felt my spirit come out of my body.  I was already at the hospital; I saw the doctors and nurses all around me.  When I was out of my body, I saw my body on the bed.  You know how you look at yourself in the mirror, you see a reflection.  But I didn’t see a reflection of myself, I saw my body there on the bed.

There was a man.  And He told me that I was destined to go to Hell.   Then we started to fall really fast, like a roller coaster.  As I was falling it was getting hotter and hotter.  I closed my eyes; I didn’t want to see where we were.

When we stopped, I opened my eyes, and I was standing on a great road.  I didn’t know where it leads to.  But the first thing that I felt there was thirst.  I was really thirsty!  I kept telling the angel “I’m thirsty, I’m thirsty” But it was like he didn’t even hear me.  I started to cry, and when the tears ran down my cheeks, they completely evaporated.  There was the smell of sulfur, like burning tires.  I tried to cover my nose, but that made it even worse.  All my 5 senses were very sensitive.  When I tried to cover myself, I could smell the sulfur even more.  Also, all those little hairs on my arms, they just disappeared.  I felt all the heat, it was very hot.

When I started looking around, I saw people being tormented by demons.  There was a lady there suffering, a demon was torturing her.  This demon would cut off her head and with his long spear he would stab her everywhere.  He didn’t care.  In her eyes, in here body, in her feet, in here hands, he didn’t care.  Then he would put her head back on her body and would stab her and stab her.  She would cry with screams of agony.

Then I saw another demon, this demon was torturing a young man about the age of 21-23.  This man had a chain around his neck, and was standing in front of a pit of fire. This demon would stab him everywhere with a long spear, in his eyes, everywhere.  Then the demon would grab him by his hair and with the chains he would throw this man into this pit of fire, then take him back out and would stab him and stab him.  This would go on continually, and every time he would go inside that pit, I couldn’t hear his screams, but when the demon would take him out, he would scream with agony.  I tried to cover my ears because the sound was so horrible, but I could still hear.  My hearing was more sensitive.

I looked at another demon, and this demon was ugly, the other 2 were ugly to, but this one was the ugliest.  He had characteristics of many different animals; I can’t even explain it with words.  He would go around and scare people, and the people would be really scared.

After that, I looked back at the angel, and he was looking up.  I thought he didn’t want to see the others being tortured.  I thought to myself, “why is he still here? Aren’t I suppose to be there waiting for my turn to be tortured?”  I was also thirsty.  And I cried out to the angel, “I’m thirsty I’m thirsty,” I think he heard me because he looked down on me; and he said, “You have one more chance.”

Immediately when he said that, all my thirst, all my agony, all my hurting, it just went away.  I felt peaceful.

He also showed me the future.  He showed me the Earth and how things were going to happen, events that were going to happen.  The vision I was given was from now until rapture.  He didn’t show me the rapture, but He showed me the things that were going to happen before that.  Each day we are getting closer and closer, and I’m telling you that the rapture is near!

When I went back to my body, I woke up and found myself in the Hospital.  I looked around and saw needles in my arms, things checking my heart, tubes.  Soon my parents walked in and I started crying.”

Forty-eight hours in Hell

John W. Reynolds, One of the most interesting cases of resuscitation that ever came to my knowledge was that of George Lennox, a notorious horse thief of Jefferson County. He was serving his second term.

Sedgwick County sent him to the prison the first time for a similar offense – stealing horses.During the winter of 1887 and 1888 he worked in the coal mines. The place where he was laboring seemed dangerous to him.


He remained in this condition fully two hours.Missed at dinner time, a search was instituted for the missing convict, and he was found under this heap of rubbish. Life seemed extinct. He was taken to the top, and on examination by the prison physician, was pronounced dead. His remains were carried to the hospital where he was washed and dressed, preparatory for interment.

Soon the eyes opened, and other appearances of life were manifested. The physician was immediately sent for, and by the time he arrived, some thirty minutes, the dead man had called for a cup of water, and was in the act of drinking when the physician arrived.

Said he:

“I had a presentiment all the morning that something terrible was going to happen. I was so uneasy on account of my feelings that I went to my mining boss Mr. Grason, and told him how I felt, and asked him if he would not come and examine my coal room, the place where I was digging coal. He came and seemed to make thorough examination, and ordered me back to work, saying there was no danger, and that he thought that I was going cranky. I returned to my work, and had been digging away for something like an hour, when all of a sudden, it grew very dark.

There I was met by a being that is utterly impossible for me to describe. I can only give you a faint idea of his dreadful appearance. He resembled a man somewhat, but was much larger than any human being I ever saw. He must have been at least ten feet high. He had great wings on his back. He was as black as the coal I had been digging, and in a perfectly nude condition. He had a spear in his hand, the handle of which must have been fully fifteen feet in length. His eyes shone like balls of fire. His teeth, white as pearl, seemed fully an inch long. His nose, if you could call it a nose, was very large, broad and flat. His hair was very coarse, heavy and long. It hung down upon his massive shoulders. His voice sounded more like the growls of a lion in a menagerie than anything I can recall. It was during one of the flashes of light that I first saw him.

I trembled like an aspen leaf at the sight. He had his spear raised as if to send it flying through me. I suddenly stopped. With that terrible voice I seemed to hear yet, he bade me follow him;

I beheld the lake of fire.Just before me I could see, as far as the eye could reach, that literal lake of fire and brimstone.Huge billows of fire would roll over each other, and great waves of fiery flame would dash against each other and leap high in the air like waves of the sea during a violent storm. On the crest of the waves I could see human beings rise, but soon to be carried down again to the lowest depths of this awful lake of fire…

As soon as I opened my eyes in the hospital and found I was alive and on earth once more.

Matthew Botsford

“Matthew Botsford was standing outside an Atlanta restaurant when a shot rang out. Two men who’d been denied entry into the establishment moments earlier, in what has to be one of the most over-the-top customer service freakouts of all time, were indiscriminately firing at the front of the building. One of the bullets hit Botsford in the head. He remembers feeling a pain like a hot needle driving into his skull, then falling to the pavement, at which point everything went black. He died three times on the way to and at the hospital before doctors finally put him into a medically-induced coma that lasted for 27 days.

Who among us couldn’t use that kind of rest?

Matthew botsford, story Hell

His descriptions of the things he saw while in that coma are nothing short of terrifying. Things began with him shackled at his wrists and ankles, suspended in midair over a deep, glowing red pit. Inside the pit, four-legged creatures roamed the floor while smoke billowed up from the magma below. Each plume of smoke contained exactly one tortured soul, suffering all alone.

That’s something else Botsford made note of … the isolation. All around him he could hear the screams of millions of damned souls, but their company was meaningless, because he understood that he was by himself and that this would last for eternity.

So a lot like how you live on Earth right now.

He’s kind of overstating that loneliness, though, because at one point, a team of demons showed up to eat his flesh right from the bone, only to have it immediately grow back so they could eat it again.

Finally, he was spared when a gigantic hand reached through the wall and pulled him out. As it did, he heard someone say, “It’s not your time.

All of this sounds eerily similar to the Vision of Drythelm, which depicts a Hell that includes a gigantic pit, above which the souls of the damned hang suspended in globes of black flame, suffering alone for all of eternity.

“And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments. . .” Luke 16:23

In Mark 9:46, Jesus Christ says about hell: “Where THEIR WORM dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.”

Ronald Reagan

“In 1972 my life was broken.  I was a drug addict.  I was a criminal.  My family was broken.  My wife had filed for divorce a couple of times.  My children were afraid of me.  I really couldn’t hold a job, my mental state was terrible.  It was in this frame of life that I took my 6 year old son to a little market to purchase some things. On the way in, I met a man coming out the door.  An argument erupted and before I knew it I had hit him and knocked him down.  He fell into a pile of bottles.  Some bottles broke and immediately he leaped up with a broken bottle and began to stab at me.  I lifted my left arm to try and stop the blows, and the bottle severed my biceps muscle & the major arteries in my arm.  I was bleeding to death in a matter of seconds.  But full of anger, hatred and rage, I kept fighting and it kept bleeding.

Ronald Reagan, I was in Hell

The owner of the 7-11 store came over and said that if I didn’t get to a hospital, I would bleed to death in just a few minutes.  So he took me in my own car to the hospital. Then the power left me and I fell into the darkness. I woke up in a different place.

I began to hear the voices of a multitude of people.  They were screaming, groaning and crying.  But as I was looking down, it appeared like a volcanic opening.  I saw fire, smoke and people inside of this burning place.  They were screaming and crying, they were burning, but they weren’t burning up, they weren’t being consumed.  Then I began moving downward into this opening…The smell was like sulfur, like an electric welder, the stench was terrible.

In my life, I had seen people killed, I had been involved in fights where people were killed.  I’ve done time in prison for manslaughter.  I grew up in a reform school, and in a jail cell.  I was beat unmercifully as a child by a father who had temper and alcohol problems.  I was a runaway at 12 years old and I felt that there was nothing in this world that could frighten me.  My life was wrecked, my marriage was wrecked, my health was wrecked.  But now I was seeing something that scared me to death, because I didn’t understand it.  And as I am looking into this pit, this place of fire, screams and torment, I fade out into blackness.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital room in Knoxville; Tennessee with my wife sitting by.  There had been multiple stitches put into my body, my arm was spared. I looked into the face of my wife.  I wasn’t concerned about where I was, or anything around me.  All I could visualize was what I had just seen.”



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