AREA 51 – Real US secret base for hiding UFOs

AREA 51 - Real US secret base for hiding UFOs

CRASHED flying saucers and dead aliens are NOT being stored at the top-secret US Airforce base Area 51, a top UFO expert has claimed.

“Those of extraterrestrial origin are very smooth and integrated with no seams or rivets showing, and no protrusions.

“At least that’s our hypothesis based on what we are seeing.”

He is also convinced that by now the US authorities would have been able to recreate a recovered UFO.

He said: “Based on the research I have done, and the people I have talked to, including first-hand witnesses, absolutely yes.

“It would be one of the highest priorities of the military and intelligence community to get their hands on a flying saucer of extraterrestrial origin.

“There are others who have come forward to share their stories, although as one might imagine our intelligence community does its best to attempt to discredit them.”

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