Tagged: Alien base

Is The Moon An Artificial Alien Base?

by UFO Disclosure Several strange phenomena have let some to believe that the eternal companion of the Earth, the Moon, is in fact some sort of a huge spaceship. Crazy theory? Not really! A curious video taken from a backyard telescope, which showed an alleged...

The Alien Bases Found on Our Moon and Mars

Those of us in the social grouping called Baby Boomers have seen an amazing era of history unfold right before our eyes. Whether social, political or scientific, we were always right there on the cutting edge of change. What luck it was to grow up...

I Saw Structures on the Moon

The following account has been addressed several times before, and I have had it in my notes for quite some time. The recent interest in the Space program, and questions about our future goals in space have caused me to dust it off. I believe...

Area 51. UFO

Literally thousands of government employees are sworn to secrecy at the base called Area 51. Why? It is known for a fact that many USA aircraft are designed and tested there, and for national security reasons, these state-of-the-art planes and weapons demand secrecy. But is...

Dulce Underground Base

An underground Military Base/Laboratory in Dulce, New Mexico connects with the underground network of tunnels which honeycombs our planet, and the lower levels of this base are allegedly under the control of Inner Earth beings or Aliens. This base is connected to Los Alamos research...

UFO Stole Water from Military Base

Argentina: A UFO Stole Water from a Military Base in Santa Fe. An effort was made to conceal the case for years, but the proof is undeniable The case emerges 11 years later and makes manifest the strange repetition of events related to Ufology that...

AREA 51 – Real US secret base for hiding UFOs

CRASHED flying saucers and dead aliens are NOT being stored at the top-secret US Airforce base Area 51, a top UFO expert has claimed. “Those of extraterrestrial origin are very smooth and integrated with no seams or rivets showing, and no protrusions. “At least that’s...

Underwater UFO base in Southern California Coast

Shortly after I began investigating UFOs in the late 1980s, I started to receive reports of unidentified ocean-going craft. Most of these reports came from a certain stretch of California coastline, from about Santa Barbara south to Long Beach. This particular body of water, I...

Underwater Alien Bases

Sometimes referred to as USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects) or UUOs (Unidentified Underwater Objects), sightings of strange lights and crafts emerging from, or descending into, the seas, oceans, and lakes around the world are quite widespread. Some UFO researchers and investigators even claim that there are...

Top 10 Underground Alien Bases

There have been many claims of alleged underground bases in different parts of the planet, most of which are believed to be serving to the aliens as their experimental or military power testing grounds. Here is a list of such top 10 underground alien bases...

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