Steve, 51, said: “We can confirm that we have evidence that the Maria body constitutes an incredible discovery.
“A discovery that may cause us to alter our history books forever. She could be the most important discovery of the 21st Century.”
The bodies were handed over to the Inkari Institute in Cusco, Peru, in April 2017.
The institute investigates archaeological discoveries connected to the Inca civilisation.
Unlike the other bodies, “Maria” was much larger, had all her organs, finger and toe prints.
Thierry Jamin, president of the Inkari institute, believes Maria could have been a ‘hybrid’ between a human and an alien race – known as the Greys – but Steve has dismissed this claim.
Another body, possibly that of a four-year-old child, also had three fingers and toes; all the bodies were covered in a strange white powder.
Steve and fellow researcher Barry Fitzgerald flew out to the south American country in July last year to interview key players.
During their trip they were taken to a secret location high in the Andes to see the different sized bodies for themselves.
Dressed in surgical gowns, they examined X Rays and the bodies themselves.
It comes after press conference was held in Lima back in March to announce the discovery to the world’s media – before any DNA results were known.
Steve believes “Maria” is the only real body among the mysterious collection – but believes she may have been professionally altered by grave robbers so she would be worth more on the black market.
“We set most of our investigation on Maria as she is clearly a body, not a mummy as listed many times because she has her internal organs,” he said.
“Our scientists and professors of Genetech Laboratory in Sri Lanka confirm that Maria has a very unusual DNA.
“It has been discovered that she is 98.5% primate, (like humans) 1.5% unknown. She also has a huge mutation in her genes that cannot be identified to any known disease.
“The grave robbers dug up a body 1400-1800 years old and more than likely had her professionally altered not knowing she was already special due to her DNA.
“This could represent a new form of human.
“An amazing scientific discovery that may be lost to the world due to human greed.”
Steve believes Maria’s eye sockets may have been altered by a professional taxidermist so she looks like she has wider eyes and had finger bones.
She also has an elongated skull – but Steve believes this is dues to the boarding process – where babies were tied to boards in order to stretch out their skulls.
However he believes some remarkable features such as horizontal dermal ridges, an absence of ears and large lower canine teeth – are real.
Steve says that his team are the only ones who have managed to obtain authentic DNA results.