London has three times more UFO sightings than any other UK town or city — with 336 incidents since 2001

Celebrity UFO believers include Robbie Williams, Shaun Ryder and Kim Wilde – who had a close encounter in her back garden in 2009.

LONDON is the UFO capital of the UK with THREE times more sightings than any other town or city.

New statistics show that 336 UFO incidents have been officially reported there since 2001 – with a host of celebs including David Bowie, Robbie Williams and Prince Philip among the believers.

Manchester is the second with 110 close encounters while there were 79 in Birmingham and 56 in Liverpool.

North of the border Glasgow topped the list with 69 and Cardiff logged 35 reports.

Overall the UK is the third highest in the world for UFO sightings with 5,234 reports in the past 16 years.

The US has had the most sightings with 139,876 – the equivalent of one report every hour.

Canada is second with 5,780.

Mexico had 607 and India 574.

New York based journalist Cheryl Costa revealed the latest figures after reports flooded into the Mutual UFO Network – the world’s biggest civilian UFO group – and the National UFO Reporting Centre.

Many could be explained as aircraft misidentifications or natural phenomena but around five per cent remain unsolved and defy explanation.

She said: “Top investigators with MUFON tell me about 5 per cent of annual reported UFO sightings fall in this mysterious unknown category.

“Percentage wise that means nationally we have about 500 of these mysterious unknown events yearly, with an average of about 40 per month.

“That’s a big deal.”

Top British UFO hunter Philip Mantle, former director of investigations for the British UFO Research Association, receives reports on a daily basis – some dating back decades.

Philip, 60, of Pontefract, West Yorks, said: “UFO reports in the UK have been coming in at a steady rate compared to other years.

“The peak in UFO sightings is usually at the end of autumn.

“Why this is no one knows.

“The witnesses to these events are usually encouraged to report an old UFO sighting when they see something else.

“I personally have received, this year, a mixture of old and new UFO reports.

“Most of the reports that have landed in my office have come from the north-east of England during February and March. Why these are, again, no one knows.

“The oldest report that I’ve personally received dates back to 1955 from Batley in West Yorkshire.”

Cheryl reckons the best time to see a UFO is on a Saturday – by the seaside or a lake.

She added: “People ask me all the time how they can see UFOs, I tell them to turn off their phones and stop yakking.

“Five per cent of people filing a UFO report neglect to enter the city where it was seen.

Another thing we discovered is the vast amount of UFO sightings are around great lakes and sea coasts.

Saturday is the top day of the week for sightings. And drugged and drunk people don’t fill out UFO reports.”

Eastenders hardman Danny Dyer once made a documentary on BBC3 called ‘Danny Dyer: I believe in UFOs’ in which he referred to aliens as “that mob up there”.

Shaun Ryder, lead singer of the Happy Mondays, made his own documentary and wrote a book about UFOs called ‘What Planet am I on?’.

He travelled around the UK, America and South America in his quest for the truth.

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