Unidentified, Flashing Object Videotaped over Beaumont, California

Beaumont, California – 04-19-17

I regularly film the night sky in my area, using an unattended, tripod mounted full-spectrum ‘ghost-pro’ camera.

Upon review of the night of 4/19/2017, I found I had captured an object that seems to fade into view and slowly moves in a northeast direction; moving so slowly I have to call it hovering.

It brightened, then fades away, just as it appeared, it seemed to be under intelligent control, and the incident lasts for a full 5 seconds.

The attached video shows a real-time ‘raw’ footage, then highly zoomed, and slowed by 50%.

Then I applied an ‘edge detection’ and further slowed to 30% of real time. I noticed flashes all around the object become visible when slowed.

After the video I provided close-up stills, with both negative photographic value, and ‘green-screen’ for comparison. The stills show the object appearing to ‘morph’, while in movement.

The orientation of the camera is; north is ‘down’, east is right-side of picture, filming Ursa Major area, but full-spectrum photography doesn’t pick-up Starlight very well.

Camera is equipped with a microphone, but the incident is silent.

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