The Arrival of the Sky Gods: Ancient Egyptian Papyrus details mass UFO sighting
This enigmatic ancient text offers conclusive evidence of a mass UFO sighting that took place in ancient Egypt around 1480 BC, during the reign of Thutmose III. “…they were more numerous than anything. They were shining in the sky more than the sun to the limits of the four supports of heaven […] powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks…”
The Ancient Egyptian Civilization has since countless time been connected to mysterious deities and incredible achievements. Considered as one of the most advanced ancient civilizations, the Ancient Egyptians achieved incredible things in their long history and were extremely sophisticated astronomers, architects, engineers, and scientists. However, where did that knowledge come from? Moreover, who were the enigmatic ‘Gods’ and ‘Demigods’ described in ancient Egyptian texts?
While most of us have heard of the Royal Canon of Turin and the Palermo Stone, only a few know of the existence of an ancient Egyptian document called ‘The Tulli Papyrus.’ Rather than being a Papyrus, the Tulli Papyrus is, in fact, a translation of e modern transcription of an ancient Egyptian document that records what is interpreted as fiery ufos.
The Tulli Papyrus has cited by many as the most important ancient Egyptian texts which document the visitation of Ancient Astronauts to Egypt thousands of years ago.
The Ancient Texts describes with great accuracy, a massive UFO sighting that occurred in Ancient Egypt during the reign of Thutmosis III.
The Tulli Papyrus belonged to the former director of the Egyptian Museum in the Vatican, Professor Alberto Tulli. The document is considered as „the earliest known record of a fleet of flying saucers written on papyrus long, long, ago in ancient Egypt.”
The Papyrus was translated by Prince Boris de Rachewiltz, who declared that the papyrus “was part of the Annals of Thutmose III.” However, nothing in the ancient text refers to the Pharaoh by name, which is unfortunate however not without precedent.
The most mysterious part of the ancient documents are the enigmatic “circles of fire” that flew through the sky of Ancient Egypt on two separate occasions, separated by a few days.
Many have discredited Prince Boris de Rachewiltz‘s credentials, the truth is, he was a well-known scholar, and there are still some of his works available and sued today. Most scholars agree that his translation of the Tulli Papyrus is acceptable. Most importantly, the document and the translation are considered authentic and not a hoax.
There are two independent translations of the ancient Egyptian text, one by Prince Boris de Rachewiltz, and the other one by anthropologist R. Cedric Leonard.
This is the translation by Prince Boris de Rachewiltz:
In the year 22 third month of winter, sixth hour of the day (…2…) the scribas of the House of Life found it was a circle of fire that was coming in the sky (Though) it had no head, the breadth of its mouth (had) a foul odour. Its body 1 rod long (about 150 feet) and 1 rod large, It had no voice… They hearts become confused through it; then they laid themselves on the bellies (…3…) They went to the King ..?) to report it. His Majesty ordered (…4…) has been examined (…5…) as to all which is written in the papyrus-rolls of the House Of Life His Majesty was meditating upon what happened. Now, after some days had passed over these things, Lo! they were more numerous than anything. They were shining in the sky more than the sun to the limits of the four supports of heaven. (…6…) Powerful was the position of the fire circles. The army of the king looked on and His Majesty was in the midst of it. It was after supper. Thereupon, they (i.e. the fire circles) went up higher directed to South. Fishes and volatiles fell down from the sky. (It was) a marvel never occurred since the foundation of this Land! Caused His Majesty to be brought incense to pacify the hearth (…9… to write?) what happened in the book of the House of Life (…10… to be remembered?) for the Eternity. (Source: de Rachewiltz, Boris, Doubt Magazine, No. 41, official magazine of the Fortean Society, pp. 214-15, Arlington, 1953.)
This is the translation by R. Cedric Leonard:
In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day […] among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor. Its body was one rod in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They [went] to the king, to report it. His Majesty [ordered that] the scrolls [located] in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on.
After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven […] Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks.
The army of the King looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky: a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country. Moreover, His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. Moreover, it was [ordered] that the event [be recorded for] His Majesty in the Annals of the House of Life [to be remembered] for ever.””
According to this ancient text, the Pharaoh that ruled over Egypt was Thutmose III, and this mass UFO sighting happened around 1480 BC. It was recorded in history as a day of great importance, a day that something unexplainable occurred.
It is important to mention that it is very unlikely that the ancient Egyptians misinterpreted these “fiery disks” with some sort of astronomical or weather phenomena. The Ancient Egyptians were experienced and gifted astronomers, and by the year 1500 B.C., they were already experts in the field, meaning that they would have described astronomical phenomena in a much different way. Also, in this ancient documents, the “fiery disks” are described as they changed directions in the sky, so we know that these objects did not fall, but remained in the Egyptian Sky.