The Alien Mummies of Nazca
By Hannah Crouch
mummy-aliens-2 522CLAIMS that five 1,700 year-old mummies look more reptilian than human have been causing a stir with conspiracy theorists.
New images of the “alien mummies” were unveiled during a press conference called “The mummies of Nazca” in Peru by Mexican ufologist and journalist Jamie Maussan on Tuesday.
Five 1,700 year-old mummies which allegedly look more reptilian than human have been causing a stir with conspiracy theorists YouTube
X-rays of the so-called mummified remains were shown during a press conference to banish claims that they were fake.
Mr Maussan alleges that of the five bodies discovered, three of them had “characteristics that are closer to reptiles than humans”.
He added: “Nobody has proved it is a fraud.
“We are going to present preliminary evidence that will determine in the vision of the media, in the collective vision of the popular conscious, the validity that it has.” Maussan has claimed carbon dating samples of the body dates between 245 to 410 AD, though the result has not been verified as true.
Footage of the so-called mummified alien was released in June though some were not convinced.
Supposedly filmed in the ancient city of Nazca, Peru, users pointed out the “corpse” looks like it is a half-finished cardboard creation.
While some have said they will keep an ‘open mind’ about the ‘alien mummies’ others have branded them as fake YouTube
The video was posted by website which charges curious users money to view their exclusive paranormal content. The site claims the extraterrestrial beast’s body was dug up during an excavation of the mysterious caves.
One viewer reported commented: “Something seems off. The corpse looks like it was made of plaster.”
In July we reported how the “discovery” prompted a number of experts and conspiracy theorists to offer their opinion.In a short documentary on the bizarre find, Dr Konstantin Korotkov, a professor at Saint-Petersburg University, claims these features are not a deformity – it is “another creature, another humanoid”.
One website, Ancient Origins says: “We should keep an open mind.”
But others claim it is an obvious fake.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: “This seems to be a plaster cast over a bone structure with three fingers attached to the hands.