Tagged: star

Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays Originate In Star Clusters, Not Supernovae

Astronomers have long assumed that supernova explosions are responsible for cosmic rays – which are high-energy particles – zipping through space at the speed of light and regularly bombarding Earth from various directions in the galaxy. But supernovae can’t explain cosmic rays with the highest...

How Do You Measure The Mass Of A Star?

There are lots of binary stars – two stars revolving around a common center of mass – populating the starry sky. In fact, a large majority of all stars we see (around 85%) are part of a multiple star system of two or more stars!...

Watch this stunning Starforge simulation of a star being born

The simulation can take three months to run on one of the world’s fastest supercomputers. Astrophysicists have developed the first high-resolution 3D model of a gas cloud coalescing to form a star — and it’s mind-blowing. The “Starforge” model (which stands for “star formation in...

Astronomers see first hint of the silhouette of a spaghettified star

For decades astronomers have been spotting bursts of electromagnetic radiation coming from black holes. They assumed those are the result of stars being torn apart, but they have never seen the silhouette of the actual material ligaments. Now a group of astronomers, including lead author...

Reseachers detect a new ultra-metal-poor star

  Astronomers report the discovery of a new ultra-metal-poor star as part of the Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS). The newly found star, designated SPLUS J210428.01−004934.2, turns out to have the lowest carbon abundance among the ultra-metal-poor stars so far detected. The finding is...

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