Tagged: moon

Measuring the Moon’s nano dust is no small matter

Like a chameleon of the night sky, the moon often changes its appearance. It might look larger, brighter or redder, for example, due to its phases, its position in the solar system or smoke in Earth’s atmosphere. (It is not made of green cheese, however.)...

China’s ‘space dream’: A Long March to the Moon and beyond

The launch of the first module of China’s new space station—”Heavenly Palace”—on Thursday underlined how far the country has come in achieving its space dream. The Tianhe core module houses life support equipment and a living space for astronauts, and is another key step in...

Lunar crater radio telescope: Illuminating the cosmic dark ages

After years of development, the Lunar Crater Radio Telescope (LCRT) project has been awarded $500,000 to support additional work as it enters Phase II of NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program. While not yet a NASA mission, the LCRT describes a mission concept that could...

The moon is ‘rusting’ and scientists are stunned

A newly published study notes that the moon is “rusting,” leaving experts perplexed by the discovery. The research, published in Science Advances, notes that the rust may be a result of water discovered on the moon, but it’s still shocking, given the lack of oxygen...