Tagged: flying objects

UFO? Bizarre ‘roll cloud’ in Tennessee stuns residents

A funnel-like cloud filled the sky in Tennessee as a thunderstorm in the area came to a halt. Residents were stunned by the mysterious cloud formation, which some compared to a UFO. Angie Hutton told Fox News on Tuesday that her son, Colby, of Adamsville,...

Naked Aliens

Two outlandish yet similar tales told half a century apart seem to indicate that aliens may at times appear nude. On April 19, 1897, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch printed a letter from one W. H. Hopkins. Three days earlier, near Springfield, Missouri, Hopkins encountered a...

Multiple pilots have reported encounters with UFOs, Navy says

A growing number of Navy pilots claiming to have spotted unidentified flying objects, or UFOS, has led the Navy to update its protocol for reporting them, according to a New York Times report. In 2007, the Pentagon began a shadowy program called “Advanced Aerospace Threat...

Bernie Sanders pledges to reveal info on aliens if he wins in 2020

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., pledged that as president he would disclose government information about aliens and unidentified flying objects. Sanders, one of the leading 2020 Democrats, told podcast host Joe Rogan on Tuesday that his wife would “demand” he tell people about the mysterious phenomena....

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