Tagged: Artifacts

The Mysteries Of Machu Picchu

In the Cusco region of Peru, 2.4 km above sea level in the mountains, the ruins of Machu Picchu were re-discovered in 1911 by the American explorer Hiram Bingham . Machu Picchu, which means ‘Old Mountain’, is an Inca site in the mountains of Peru which is often referred...

New Forbidden History on Mankinds Ancient Alien History

Today there exists many forbidden theories that aim to explain mankind’s speedy evolution. The Ancient Astronaut Theory is perhaps one of the most controversial of the bunch. This theory takes researchers back in time to the cradle of civilization in the Middle-East, the ancient land...

Secrets of the Nazca geoglyphs

The geoglyphs, known as Nazca Lines, were spotted from the air in 1939 Some 700 geoglyphs are thought to have been drawn by the ancient Nazca people between the first and sixth centuries The new lines were revealed following gales and sandstorms in Peru Experts...

The Vajra – Weapon of the Ancient Gods

“As a hurled weapon the indestructible thunderbolt (the Vajra) blazed like a meteoric fireball across the heavens, in a maelstrom of thunder, fire and lightning.” — Nitin Kumar By Dr. Rita Louise; addendum by Alexander Light The vajra is the most important ritual implement of Vajrayana Buddhism....

Kundalini Tales an Interview with Richard Saunder

Karma One: Some Mind Control victim’s – from Kathleen Sullivan to Cathy O’Brien – and less known victims all agreed to says that they have been guided to underground military bases, sometimes very weird. Is it plausible or was is a deliberate set up, a show to intimidate them? Richard...

Tunnels And Ancient Civilizations

By Susan Duclos Author and researcher Dr. Richard Sauder joins Paul Sandhu for an absolutely riveting interview on a variety of topics, but primarily focusing on underground bases and/or facilities, both military and corporate, as well as ancient labyrinths created by “intelligent beings,” that lie...

Secrets of the Great Pyramids

This is how the unearthing of a lost city was reported in one of many papers, the Sunday Express of 7 July 1935. The world hears of the discovery of a “secret” Egyptian city (1935)SOURCE: The Lost History of the PyramidsGaius Plinius Secundus (AD 23 –...

Secret Caves Discovered Under Giza!

A Report by Richard Gabriel A recent viewzone.com article highlighted a rumbling controversy between the former leading controller of the Giza plateau, Zahi Hawass and Archaeological researcher Andrew Collins. The article reminded us how Hawass denied the existence of a tunnel network leading under the Plateau, despite...

Was Really a Great Flood?

Noah’s Ark and the great Flood are taken as “fairy tales” by most Christians today. Ken Ham and Tim Lovett defend the scriptural account of God’s judgment upon the antediluvian world. The account of Noah and the Ark is one of the most widely known...

Ancient Astronaut Theories

Paintings from Val Camonica, Italy, c.10,000 BC, have been claimed to depict extraterrestrial visitors. It has also been posited that they show gods or other mythological persons from religions of that time.           The Dogū (土偶) has been speculated to be...