Tagged: abductions

Reptoid abducting people. Story by Pamela

Pamela’s Reptoid by Bill Hamilton Pamela was and is an experiencer, an abductee, and a contactee. She has experienced most if not all of the major indicators of this type of experience: missing time; waking up during the night and having feelings of paralysis; nightmares or...

Alien abduction. Palyne Janku

Last night I fell into an OBE. I had just laid down a few moments before when I “fell out of my body.” The following seemed to come first before the rest, but later I wasn’t sure. Somehow I “learned” this. Don’t laugh… OK, go...

Abduction expert Mary Rodwell

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred L. Webre released on January 19, 2011, Suzanne Hansen, Founding Director of UFOCUS NZ Research Network (New Zealand) publicly reveals the unique and compelling history of how she first met the soul of her son aboard a Grey ET spacecraft when...

Interview with Richard Saunder

Karma One: Some Mind Control victim’s – from Kathleen Sullivan to Cathy O’Brien – and less known victims all agreed to says that they have been guided to underground military bases, sometimes very weird. Is it plausible or was is a deliberate set up, a show to intimidate them? Richard...

Kidnapped by UFOs? Interview with john Mack

NOVA: Let’s talk about your own personal evolution from perhaps skepticism to belief … MACK: When I first encountered this phenomenon, or particularly even before I had actually seen the people themselves, I had very little place in my mind to take this seriously. I, like most...

The UFO Abduction Phenomenon

ABSTRACT The author describes how he got into the study of the UFO abduction experience, a bit of the history of the field, the phenomenology of UFO abductions, who the abductees are, his use of non-ordinary states of consciousness in working with them, some of...

Abduction on the road to Roswell

Jimmy Carter & backwards speech analysis – “A potential Abductee” Jon Kelly now raises a key question for Exopolitics in his recent American Chronicle interview (below), when he is asked: “RNN: You have listened backwards to the speeches of people describing contact with space craft from other civilizations....

Implants, Abductions and other stuff

Listening to the guest speakers at Roswell’s 50th Anniversary UFO Encounter, it was easy to get caught up in the whole subject of aliens and close encounters of the third kind. It was exciting and almost satisfying to be able to listen to “specialists” talking about...

Alien Abduction. Stories

“Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are...