Nighttime podcast recap: The Canadian government and UFOs
In this episode of Nighttime Podcast, Jordan Bonaparte speaks to someone well positioned to tell us all about our government’s surprising history with the UFO phenomena.
After previous episodes in this series outlining his son’s UFO event and the MUFON organization, Bonaparte heard from listeners curious if, and to what extent, the Canadian government is involved in the reporting and investigation of UFO events.
READ MORE: Nighttime podcast recap: Getting to know MUFON
When Trent University PhD candidate Matthew Hayes was considering a topic for his doctoral dissertation, he found inspiration late at night while exploring one of the many rabbit holes a google search for “UFOs” took him down. When Hayes happened upon an archive of Canadian government documents related to UFO reports, he knew he had found his field.
Hayes has spent years collecting, analyzing, and trying to understand the history of the Canadian government’s relationship with the UFO mystery.