Category: Artifacts

More Theories about the Sphinx and Pyramids of Giza

written by Dennis G. Balthaser Searching for the Truth (Always Telling the Truth Means Never Having to Remember Anything) During my 33 years of civil engineering work with the Texas Department of Transportation, I was fortunate enough to have been involved with quality control and...

Ancient Astronauts Photo Gallery

These two objects are part of a painting called “The Crucifixion,” which was created in 1350. They are located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia.   At the end of the 1960s, biologist Uvan Ivan Sanderson, more well-known as a...

The Legend of the Anunnaki and Planet Nibiru

The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian deities. Zecharia Sitchin was an Azeri-born American author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributes the creation of the...

Ancient Astronauts – A General Overview

Ancient paintings from Val Camonica, Italy are believed to depict forgotten deities; ancient astronaut proponents claim these pictures resemble modern day astronauts despite being painted ca. 10,000 BC. According to certain authors, intelligent extraterrestrial beings called ancient astronauts or ancient aliens have visited Earth, and...

Dr. Reed and the Screaming Alien Hoax

This article was originally published on the UFO Casebook on June 1, 2002.The fantastic claims of one Dr. Jonathan Reed seem to have come under heavy fire as of late. Reed, as many of you may know, claimed to be a Seattle psychologist, who, in...

Alien Body in possession of Russian security

“Dead Alien body recovered.” This claim has been made too many times without validating evidence. As time goes by, these fantastic stories fade away and are forgotten. In most cases, debunkers stand by their status quo anthem; “It couldn’t happen, therefore it didn’t. Those of...

The Alien Mummies of Nazca

By Hannah Crouch mummy-aliens-2 522CLAIMS that five 1,700 year-old mummies look more reptilian than human have been causing a stir with conspiracy theorists. New images of the “alien mummies” were unveiled during a press conference called “The mummies of Nazca” in Peru by Mexican ufologist...

ALIEN GODS (The Documentary)

Did aliens create humans? Was Jesus actually an alien being? Alien Gods is a documentary that explores the ever popular UFO issue, but with a twist that has rarely been dealt with before. Alien Gods starts with the Ancient Astronaut hypothesis and then goes around...