Category: Aliens

Documents of Extraterrestrial Bodies, Craft and Home planet

  With several governments around the world openly admitting to the existence of UFO, the United States government has received a large push from its citizens to disclose the truth about their knowledge of this bizarre yet fascinating phenomenon. As a result, in late 2014...

Real Men in Black and the Roll of Hollywood

Hidden among the avalanche of documents leaked by Edward Snowden were images from a Powerpoint presentation by GCHQ, entitled The Art of Deception – Training for Online Covert Operations. Images include camouflaged moths, inflatable tanks, women in burqas, and complex diagrams plastered with jargon, buzzwords and slogans: “Disruption...

Extraterrestrial Denial in Western Society

Why does “mainstream” science continue to deny the historical and on-going existence of Extraterrestrial contact with human beings on Earth? Why do science programs on Television, and in other mass-media foray like magazines, continue to maintain the apparent ‘fiction’ that humanity is still in search...

Alien Astronaut Meeting?

On January 29, 2014 the live camera feed of the International Space Station (ISS) showed what appeared to be a strange yellow elliptical object docked with the hull of the ISS. The live camera feed was quickly recorded and uploaded to Youtube, and is generating much interest...

The Ufo Briefing Document Case Histories

1947: FIRST AMERICAN SIGHTING WAVE Cover of International UFO Reporter showing a photograph of Kenneth Arnold, his original sketches and a reconstruction of the flying wing he saw, which led to the name of flying saucers. Insert lower right shows Arnold’s original sketch for Army...

Secret Space War

Secret Space War – Part II  You are not allowed “to know” about it for certain, but you will be allowed “to believe” it exists. In fact, soon you will be encouraged to do so as the Old World Order, the International Zionist Criminal Conspiracy...

Implants, Abductions and other Stuff

Listening to the guest speakers at Roswell’s 50th Anniversary UFO Encounter, it was easy to get caught up in the whole subject of aliens and close encounters of the third kind. It was exciting and almost satisfying to be able to listen to “specialists” talking about...

Pentagon Aliens

CHAPTER IV: SIGHTINGS My purpose has not been to document an overwhelming number of sightings, in order to sell you on basic truths you should already be familiar with. A vast quantity of misrepresented or fabricated “documented sightings” is the province of the Big Liars...

An Advanced Alien Case Study

The Mind of a Repeat-Offender He’s an old alien who oversees IFSP (Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets) aliens and often comments on their intervention here. Like the rest of his crew, he’s cautious about giving out his name. His comments, although usually framed obliquely, always support the...

Manipulative Extraterrestrials

Humanity has long appreciated its origins as a sentient species, as being in Africa. However, the “mainstream” scientific community has been far less successful in spreading a critical appreciation of the origins of racially diverse groups in Africa. People with black skinned pigmentation have been...