California – Airline Pilot Sights a UFO

SAN FRANCISCO — An airline transport pilot with 14 years’ experience in commercial aviation can’t quite explain what he saw at 11 PM, November 3, 2004. The jetliner P.A. was flying was making its approach into San Francisco.

The jetliner was approaching the city from the east, passing just north of Stockton, when P.A. received instructions from the tower to descend from 35,000 to 24,000 feet (10,500 to 7,200 meters). And then it happened.

“While approaching San Francisco from the east,” he reported, “an orange dot began to glow and seemed to flash higher up to the west of us. I thought that it was a planet. It then changed color from orange to white. Again, I thought a planet could be illuminated through a (local) atmosphere that would explain the color change.”

“It then began to move in a northeasterly direction. Once again, being in an airplane, it is very easy to think an object is moving, from small corrections the autopilot makes. I found a handful of stars to serve as a reference point and verified that the object was slowly moving north.

It moved about 30 degrees and then stopped. Then, it made a slight tangent to the right and continued moving for about 20 more degrees.” “It stopped and turned again to the right and continued for 10 degrees, then stopped again and disappeared.”

“The whole sighting ran about two minutes or so from start to finish. It was difficult to judge the actual distance and speed. When I talk about ‘moving in degrees and turning,’ I am talking about my (cockpit) viewpoint and compass degrees.” “The UFO’s size was very small, about the size of the stars and planets you see in the sky.”

“We had initially been at 35,000 feet (10,500 meters) but had descended to 24,000 feet (7,200 meters) when we saw the object. We were above the clouds with a clear view, and there was a crescent moon behind us. The weather in San Francisco was partly cloudy skies and light rain.”

“There were two of us in the cockpit, and we both witnessed the same thing. We were both in awe. I have been flying for 14 years have never witnessed something like this before.”

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