Another Set OF UFO X-Files Will Be Disclosed By the UK Government

The public is assumed to be blinded by governments with the truth about UFOs and other-worldly related activities, but there have been reports that the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) is planning to declassify more of its X-Files by making them available to the public on the National Archives. Nick Pope, former MoD official, is less thrilled by the news and said that this is a huge embarrassment for the government for not fulfilling its promise to the nation.
According to the report by The Mirror, there was a promise made by the government department that it planned to disclose all by June in 2013, but it appears that it was not true to the promise as there will be 18 files yet to be publicly accessed by September next year.
Pope said that this is embarrassing as last summer, they made announcement to the media and the public that those were all the UFO files and further said that this was the end of a five-year programme to declassify and make public the entire archive. However, this isn’t the case as they recently announced that they’ve found a bunch of further UFO files. Pope added that he understands if people tend to be suspicious.
Nonetheless, ufologists, conspiracy theorists and truth seekers would likely welcome the development, which follow the footsteps of France. UFO files were declassify in 2007 by France, making the country as the first to open up its UFO files. The national space agency documented on a website over 1,600 sightings spanning more than five decades.
MoD followed by launching a five-year programme that same year, which ended in June 2013 after it was continuously thrown with Freedom of Information Act requests. The UFO desk was then closed in 2009 after a conclusion saying that further investigation of sightings would be just a waste of money. However, the government failed to fulfil its promise to release all the files.
The files that are set to be made public should still stay confidential until their released date. Pope explained that he can’t specifically reveal contents of the files until they have been made public, which is expected to happen around September next year.
However, he gave a little bit of hints which include information from air defence specialists who were tasked to determine the possibility of visual sightings to be corroborated by evidence on radar.
Pope further hinted that some files from Defence Intelligence Staff, which are the most secret parts of the MoD will also be released. Ironically, the files of UFO declassification will also be included, featuring the deliberation of the staff on copyright and other legal issues on the materials submitted in by the members of the public.

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