6-Inch Alien Vs. Giant Floating Head: The Weird News Top 10 (VOTE)

Sometimes the world of weird news is more like a bizarre lost-and-found bin, but instead of sunglasses, you find giant floating heads and the last remains of a reputed ET.
HuffPost’s Lee Speigel reported on the results of a DNA test on a six-inch mummified skeleton found 10 years ago in Chile.
Members of the Marist College crew team had a huge surprise of their own when they found a giant head floating in the Hudson River near Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Meanwhile, you have to hand it to scuba diver Tim Yarrow, who set a record back in 2002 for the longest time spent underwater.
After making a big splash a decade ago, Yarrow is getting new appreciation for his feat from experts on the Science Channel series “Outrageous Acts of Science.”
HuffPost Weird News went below the belt for two big stories. One involved 19-year-old University of Florida student Michael Silecchia, who claimed to be on LSD when he stripped naked and asked cops not to cut his penis off. He then apparently changed his mind and requested they cut it off.
Another ballsy story exposed by HuffPost Weird News involved the question of whether dogs who’ve been neutered get testy about their missing their testes. Gregg Miller, who sells prosthetic dog testicles, says the answer is obvious.
In other animal news, snakes are converging on a Mississippi courthouse.
A grandfather in India is beng accused of being a snake of a different sort. He was arrested after selling his newborn grandson on Facebook.
The entrepreneur of the week, Ryan Place, runs the Bong Warehouse in Esquimalt, B.C., and is under fire for marketing the business with “Bongy,” a costumed character designed to be a happy-go-lucky bong — right down to the sleepy eyes and trademark stoner “perma-grin.”
In another get-rich-quick scheme, an Arizona woman attempted to scalp seats to the Jodi Arias murder trial.
What was the weirdest story of the week? Check out the gallery and vote below.

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