UFO Sightings Reported over Birmingham South, UK

I witnessed a streak of light that passed directly over the roof of my house, 1 mile from the Licky hills in Birmingham South. The sighting occurred in the early hours of the morning , it appeared to be heading west. It was similar in general appearance to a star wars-type of laser beam with very defined edges to the light streak.It was about 100 ft. at most above the house roof and was gone in about 1/-1/2 of a second. It disappeared over the tops of the houses at the bottom of my garden. This occurred during August, 2006. It was certainly not a meteorite, comet, low flying plane, nor helicopter. We are only a few miles from Birmingham airport on or near a flight path and familiar with the over flying aircraft, etc.

Also, on August 11, 2007, between 3-4: 00 PM, a red and silvery figure-of-eight type object flew quite rapidly towards us from direction of the airport. It stopped in the sky as observed from between the rooftops. At first we thought the object was a child’s helium balloon, but it remained in the same spot for three or four minutes-time enough for me to get my binoculars and take a closer look.

It alternated from red to silver with a darker band through the middle [like two half circles joined in the middle]. The air was shimmering around the object and closer inspection was difficult. It completely disappeared into a cloudless sky.

Further sightings occurred on Janurary 27-28, 2008, witnessed by both myself and my wife.

1. 7.50 PM-a crescent formation of maybe thirty lights very high in the night sky heading south.

2. 8.05 PM-after flashing, a small lead torch, three lights in triangle formation over flew the house then began what I can only describe as ‘dancing’ around each other within the triangle shape. It was silent and low.

3. 11.38 PM-again after flashing torch, a string of about thirteen lights again over flew the house, this time in a Y-formation with the cup at the front end swooping low and veering slightly to the right. When I flashed my torch at them, all lights moving as one unit heading east. All sightings were silent against a starry sky. Light were bigger than surrounding stars but slightly dimmer.

More details sent from witness

I’ve attempted to do a few diagrams to illustrate the sightings that we have recently had. I’m obviously not seeking any attention here, but really believe that there are ‘objects’ out there doing ‘something’ wherever they originate from.

Whether they specifically responded directly to my signaling [with a small led type torch] or not is open to debate, but I feel that they were at least curious as to my motives for doing so.

There was no noise of any kind throughout any of the sightings and no time lost. The lights were not as bright as the surrounding star map though slightly bigger in appearance. The sky was scant/patchy clad cloud cover, ink black.

The crescent object was flying high and fast-about six seconds before lost to view. The Y-shape lasted about four/five seconds though it seemed much longer to me, and flight was tight and smooth, arcing a little in ‘response?’ to my signaling.

The triangle just seemed to appear from above, swooped in overhead and began to dance [as in each light revolving around each other in an apparently random fashion] before passing to my left, and sweeping up into the sky, again before rapidly being lost to view.

The summer day sighting traveled in from the direction of Birmingham airport [north to us] quite rapidly in three to four seconds, before stopping dead and hanging in the sky quite motionless. [I had time to send my wife: chauvinistic I know, for my binoculars and after trying to focus on the object, couldn’t make out more than a shimmering figure of eight, silvery on top, reddish underneath view of it] for about five to six minutes.

It then sort of grew rapidly smaller and disappeared… into a cloudless sky. The overhead streak was caught as I paid a late night/early morning check on my young boys in their room during the school summer break around late August/early September.

I felt drawn to lift the net curtain and look up and out of the bedroom window. It shot very rapidly away as in the diagram and the whole sighting took maybe less than 1/2 second.

Best Regards,


UFO Depiction, Birmingham South, UK

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