UFO Incidents over Minot AFB
This is just one of many cases which my group (Nuclear Connection Project) has listed under nuclear connection. We have found about 200 such incidents. Not only that, but this event occurred during one of the most intense sighting waves in history.
Richard Hall:
On March 5, 1967, Air Defense Command radar tracked an unidentified target descending over the Minuteman missile silos of the 91st Strategic Missile Wing at Minot AFB, ND. Base security teams quickly converged on the area and saw a metallic, disc-shaped craft ringed with bright, flashing lights moving slowly. The disc stopped and hovered about 500 feet (150 meters) off the ground, as security police held their fire and watched in awe. Suddenly the object began moving again and circled directly over the launch control facility.
F-106 fighter-interceptors were standing by on the flight line, waiting impatiently for an order from NORAD to scramble. When the or order was not fortthcoming, base operations decided on their own to scramble the interceptors. At that moment the UFO climbed straight up and streaked away at incredible speed.
Ray Fowler:
Another civilian representative assigned to Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota, told me that an Air Force major friend of his got a good close look at a completely unconventional craft maneuvering in the area between the air base and missile site. As he got out of his car and approached it, it took off at tremendous speed. Superiors ordered him not to talk about the incident.
On March 5, 1967, just 15 days prior to the Malmstrom AFB incident, the 91St Strategic Missile Wing at a sister base also had an unwelcome visitor. Aerospace Defense Command radar tracked an unknown target descending over the Minuteman missile installations at Minot AFB, North Dakota. Strike teams were alerted and sighted a metallic disc- shaped craft ringed with bright flashing lights moving slowly over the supersensitive area.
Three armed teams in fast trucks pursued the alien vehicle as it maneuvered and finally stopped and hovered 500 feet off the ground. The strike teams held their fire. They had orders to capture it undamaged if it should land. Then abruptly it began moving once again and circling directly over a launch control facility.
Back at Minot, F-106 fighter planes were awaiting orders from the North American Air Defense Command to launch an attack. Base operations became impatient and had just decided to scramble the jets without confirmation. Suddenly the UFO climbed straight up and streaked away at incredible speed.