Tree Swallows Bike vs Crazy Cat Lady: The Weird News Top 10 (VOTE)

Nine lives aren’t enough for some people — and if you truly love your kitty, that’s reasonable.
There might be other ways to pay tribute to your foregone felines, but we at HuffPost Weird News love Fran Bailey’s five-kitty tattoo tribute.
“I love my cats and I love my tattoo,” Bailey says, and it shows.
Yet anyone can bedazzle his or her back. You have to turn back the clock nearly six decades to explain  Washington’s most bizarre roadside attraction — a tree that has swallowed a bicycle.
The shame was just too much in 1954, when an 8-year-old boy received a girl’s bike as a gift. He ditched it in the woods of Vashon Island. Mother nature did the rest.
Helen Puz, now 99 years old, can still recall the story of how her son Don unwittingly planted the seeds for what has become a weird news legend. If you visit, spin the front wheel for good luck. It still turns.
Other stories we loved: A dad left his 11-month-old boy in a strip club liquor store (in Florida, of course); Idaho inmates are suing beer companies (for getting them drunk, of course); and a pair of Oompa Loompas are wanted in Norfolk, England, for knocking the everlasting gobstopper out of a 28-year-old guy, who’ll never look at a green-haired orange-skinned dwarf the same way again.
We also saw a UFO explosion over Sacramento, a reanimated zombie fish shaking it’s headless body over a bed of ice, and yet another virginity auction.
Scroll through the rundown below, and then vote for the top weird news story at the bottom of the page.

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