Top 10 Alien Sightings In The Human History

UFOs and aliens have been serving as a good topic of discussions and controversies over quite a few decades. Reports of alleged UFO and alien sightings have surfaced from time to time in different countries. While many of the claims of alien sighting have been refuted by authorities, there are some incidents of alien sightings which are yet to get proper explanation from the scientists and realists. Here is the list of such top 10 incidents when humans had a run-in with the visitors from the outside world – the aliens.
Alien Sightings that happened in America

1.The most famous and discussed alien sighting had happened in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 when U.S. Military had allegedly captured alien figures from the crash site of a UFO. While the government had denied anything of that sort, but the Roswell UFO incident has been the most hyped cover-up of the US Government till date.

2.Postal clerk Barney Hill and his wife Betty Hill came to the limelight in 1965 when news about them getting abducted by aliens in September 1961 was published in local newspaper. As per the Hills they had been captured and taken to a spacecraft which had eight or nine alien figures who examined the bodies of the couple before letting them leave the craft unhurt.

3.Locals of Aurora, Texas speak about the alleged crash of a cigar shaped flying object that crashed with a windmill in the month of April in 1897. Hundreds of people had gathered at the crash site to witness the dead body of an alien who was buried in an unmarked grave by the authorities. There is a sign from the Texas Historical Commission at the alleged site of burial that confirms the legend of the crash and the burial.

4.World War II combat pilot and 30 year veteran police officer George Wheeler claimed of sighting a UFO with extraterrestrials in them in the year 1976. The incident happened in Elmwood, Wisconsin which is already famed to be a hot spot for UFO sighting.

5.Joe Simonton, a chicken farmer from Eagle River, Wisconsin claimed that he had an encounter with three dark skinned beings inside a bright silver disk that floated above his yard in the year 1961. The 5 feet tall beings looked like Italian people and weighed approximately 125 pounds. Simonton spotted them cooking something and offered a jug of water to help them. In gratitude one of the aliens handed over four pancakes like things which were later analyzed to be made of sugar, flour and grease.

6.It was again in Wisconsin that the next alien sighting was reported. It was the winters of 1974 when William Bosak, a 68 year old gentleman spotted an alien on the roads at late night. The alleged alien had physiological resemblance to humans but his face reminded Bosak of more a cow.

Alien Sightings at non-American countries
7.One of the most hyped alien sightings was reported in Varginha, Brazil in 1996 when three young girls claimed to have spotted a thin, large headed alien lurking in the yards of their house. A few days after this incidence, the Brazilian military had reportedly removed the body of an alien from the streets on which the alien was found lying dead.

8.Jim Templeton had clicked the snap of his daughter Elizabeth Templeton during one of the family picnics in 1964 in Cumbria, England. The photograph came out to be very suspicious as the background of the photo had a man who seems to be in a white spacesuit was seen. As per the Templetons, no other individual was in close vicinity at the time of clicking the snap.

9.On 6th November 2006 a couple of campers in the Catalonian Forest spotted a wild life under a tree that resembled more like a humanoid. Initially they thought the resting object to be some wild animal only to discover that it was an alien once the creature opened its eyes and stared straight into the camera.

10.It was the springs of 2004, when a Chilean civil engineer reported having taken a photo of a small figured alien who seemed to be crossing the road. While the photo is bit blurry as the shutter speed was being kept very low, the alleged figure certainly does not seem to be that of a human for sure.

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