The Martian Cube; Another mystery on Mars
In the images from NASA’s Rovers on the red planet, we came across interesting pictures that Curiosity took on Sol 120. In the background, strange objects are scattered all over the place and one of them in particular looks like a cube, this object appears totally “out of place” and is unlike any other “geological formation in the vicinity”. An image of this type isn’t something new, as NASA’s rovers on the red planet have been sending back incredible amounts of images in which you can identify anomalous objects, things that do not seem to belong to the surroundings. Why is it that Mars has been a planet that has been worshiped and talked about for thousands of years?
Is there a possibility that in the past, Mars was habitable and was home to a civilization much like ours? And if it did, in fact, have life, what happened to it? We know that the Mayas, Aztec’s and other Ancient American civilizations also paid tribute to Mars. The red planet’s connection to the Mayan calendar is portrayed in The Dresden Codex.
There are numerous features on Mars that have sparked the imagination of people worldwide, one of those examples are The Twin Peaks of Mars that were photographed by NASA’s Pathfinder. These twin mountains are the tallest formations you will find for hundreds of kilometers and what makes the Twin Peaks even more mysterious is the fact that most of the volcanic activity on Mars are concentrated in the Tharsis region and the Tharsis region on Mars is approx. 3200 kilometers to the west. So how did they form? Is there something more to these peaks that is hidden in plain sight? Well according to ufologists there are several things that are odd about the image of the twin peaks.
So we know that Mars hides a ton of features which are particularly strange, and the Cube shaped object spotted by the Curiosity rover is certainly one of those award little features that are baffling. Looking at the image you will notice the randomly formed geological features, most of them are something like what you would find today in a desert on Earth, but this cube-shaped object that is sitting on top of another rock is screaming out “look at me”. Is this just another Martian Rock created by mother nature on the Red Planet? Well, according to ufologists and even some geologists that have talked about these features online, this Martian rock is anything but common.
Many have speculated that there are tons of features on Mars that are evidence supporting the theory that Mars was inhabited by intelligent beings. Could this feature be one of them? And could other images were taken by the Curiosity rover support them?
Angelo Secchi, an Italian astronomer was one of the first people to actually suggest that on the surface on Mars there were strange structures, straight lines that resembled constructions on planet Earth, he called these lines “canali” or “channels” More and more people became interested in Mars at that time and ideas were cooked up that Mars actually had intelligent lifeforms just like Earth. So would it be such a surprise to find out that Mars was inhabited by intelligent beings in the past? Well, the Curiosity rover is on to something and not only because of the awesome images sent back to Earth, but the rover has also found traces of methane in the Martian atmosphere and that is important. Why? Well because on Earth, 95% of methane comes from microbial organisms. Scientists are speculating that these “bursts” of methane may have been produced by bacteria on the red planet.
When you look at all the dots and take in count that there are traces of Methane, water… and then you add these odd features on the Martian surface to your list you cannot exclude the possibility of life on Mars. Is this another “Martian Rock” and could “Mother Nature” on Mars be such an incredible artist to create objects that look like statues, helmets, and even UFO’s and scatter them all over the Red Planet? Could these findings really be attributed to natural formations or is there something more to Mars. You can check out the RAW image from NASA by clicking here.