Tagged: sun

The Sun Has Siblings, and You Can Help Find Them

It may be by itself in that sunset picture, but at one time our star grew up with sisters and brothers in a stellar nursery. MOMENT/GETTY IMAGES The sun is a loner. It drifts through the galaxy with only a bunch of planets and asteroids...

How Close Can We Get to the Sun?

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe will provide new data on solar activity and help us forecast major space-weather events that impact Earth. NASA/JOHNS HOPKINS APL/STEVE GRIBBEN Four million miles (or if you prefer, 6.44 million kilometers) is quite a distance. It’s the equivalent of driving around...

This Is a First: An Image of the Sun’s North Pole

The European Space Agency’s new image of the sun’s north pole wasn’t taken by a camera. Instead, it’s an artificial rendering of what the solar north pole probably looks like. ESA/ROYAL OBSERVATORY OF BELGIUM Polar regions are magnets for explorers. By the year 1926, Earth’s...

After the Sun Dies, It’ll Become a Stellar Crystal

This artist’s impression shows a white dwarf star in the process of solidifying, the very same process that will happen to the sun one day. UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK/MARK GARLICK Our sun may look like an eternal ball of burning gas, but one day it will...

Does the Sun Rotate?

Back in the 1600s, astronomer Galileo Galilei peered into his telescope and discovered dark spots on the sun, subsequently noticing that they seemed to move, vanish and then return. “It is also manifest that their rotation is about the sun,” he wrote in 1613, and...

Strange Gigantic Distant World HD 131399Ab With Three Suns

MessageToEagle.com – A team of astronomers led by the University of Arizona have discovered a planet HD 131399Ab, with three suns. The astronomers who used direct imaging say that the planet is unlike any other known world – one with, by far, the widest known...