Tagged: rockets

The Fiery Fate Of China’s Long March 5B Rocket

The core stage of China’s 100-foot (30-m) Long March 5B rocket – which launched the Tianhe space station module on April 29, 2021 – plummeted into the Indian Ocean near the Maldives late Saturday, May 8. It was one of the largest-ever pieces of space...

Large Chinese rocket segment disintegrates over Indian Ocean

A large segment of a Chinese rocket re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere and disintegrated over the Indian Ocean on Sunday, China’s space agency said, following fevered speculation over where the 18-tonne object would come down. Officials in Beijing had said there was little risk from the...

How Air-breathing Rockets Will Work

While most of NASA’s projects look toward the future for inspiration, one of the space agency’s projects is looking at a more conventional engine technology to make space travel cheaper. In an effort to lighten the load of spacecraft at launch, NASA engineers have designed...

How Light Propulsion Will Work

More than 20 years ago, the United States began to develop a missile defense system that was given the nickname “Star Wars.” This system was designed to track and use lasers to shoot down missiles launched by foreign countries. While this system was designed for...

Reusable Rockets Are Here. Thanks, Blue Origin

In November 2015, a Blue Origin rocket called New Shepard took off from Earth and flew into space reaching an altitude of 329,839 feet (100.5 kilometers). It also delivered an empty crew compartment into suborbital space, returned to Earth and landed upright on the launch...

Reusable Rockets Are Here. Thanks, Blue Origin

In November 2015, a Blue Origin rocket called New Shepard took off from Earth and flew into space reaching an altitude of 329,839 feet (100.5 kilometers). It also delivered an empty crew compartment into suborbital space, returned to Earth and landed upright on the launch...

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