Tagged: Planet X

‘The Goblin’ May Reveal the Phantom of Planet X Lurking in Deep Space

Artist’s conception of the long-sought-after distant solar system Planet X (aka Planet Nine), which could be shaping the orbits of smaller extremely distant outer solar system objects like 2015 TG387 (aka “The Goblin”) ROBERTO MOLAR CANDANOSA AND SCOTT SHEPPARD, COURTESY OF CARNEGIE INSTITUTION FOR SCIENCE...

10 things you should know about Planet X

Planet X is without a doubt, one of the most enigmatic and mysterious planets said to exist within the outer reaches of our solar system. The planet referred to by many as simply X, Nibiru (according to ancient Sumerian Texts) and the Ninth planet by...

Is this what Planet X, aka Planet Nine looks like?

According to researchers, Planet Nine might be a mysterious frozen world, much bigger than Earth, which temperatures that dip to -226 degrees. Scientists speculate that the elusive world would have an iron core surrounded by a silicate mantle and the planet’s outer parts by consist...

The Annunaki, Nirbiru & Planet X

Many current day “seers” and “self-proclaimed emissaries of Alien Beings” preach about the coming events, which will include major Earth changes. I’m sure that even without a degree in rocket science, any of us can understand just how the arrival of a planetary sized object...

Remote Viewer Takes a Look at Planet X

For so many years I had heard reports of a mysterious 9th or 10th planet in deep space (if you still count Pluto as a planet) commonly referred to as “Planet X” or “Niburu” (var. Nibiru — meaning the bright star of the crossing). Mainstream...

Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of Sitchin’s Planet X

Caltech’s Konstantin Batygin, an assistant professor of planetary science, and Mike Brown, the Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor of Planetary Astronomy, have found evidence of a giant planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system beyond Pluto. The object, which the...

New Scientists Rediscover Planet X

by Ancient Code According to reports from two separate teams of researchers from Sweden and Mexico, two distant objects have been found lurking the outer edges of our solar system. One of the objects, scientists say, could be a “super-Earth”, a mega-planet with an orbit...

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