Tagged: land

Solar Storms Trigger Unexplained Phenomenon Close To Earth

– Scientists have observed how solar storms trigger an unexplained phenomenon close to Earth. Researchers are currently unable to explain the cause of this surprising mechanism that occurs especially at high latitudes. Solar storms may also have a strong impact on the efficiency of communication...

This would happen if humans disappeared from Earth

It is common in movies and science fiction the idea that humans vanish from Earth. But what really would happen if one-day mankind disappeared without a trace? The planet would survive, but how? Well, in a matter of HOURS changes would already happen on Earth....

5 Top-Secret Places that are censored on Google Maps

What are the numerous ‘censored’ places on Google Maps? Are they just top secret military bases belonging to different governments around the globe? What if these are more than just military bases? Why are they censored from Google Maps? What is Google trying to hide...

Top 15 Places You’re not Allowed To Visit on Earth

They say ‘Free World’… but the truth is that it’s not as free as you may think. In fact, there are over a dozen places on our planet which you CANNOT gain access to. From top-secret military bases to exclusive clubs and Armageddon bunkers. In...

Interdimensional Intervention on Earth: A Synthetic System of Control

What is the Intervention Agenda here on Earth? by Open, Waking Times Increasingly, spiritual community sites are talking about an Interdimensional Intervention that’s been taking place here on Earth. Such discussions are met with anything from courageous support, quiet agreement or with resistance and outright...

Earth’s Quarantine Force Field Discovered by NASA?

NASA recently discovered what appears to be a ‘force field’ over Earth, fueling the fire over whether our planet has been under spiritual and physical quarantine as many have suggested. According to Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, the electron...

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