Tagged: DNA

Scientists conclude Octopus DNA is out of this world

The oceans of our planet hide countless mysteries that could perhaps help answer numerous mysteries of life itself. During the last couple of decades, marine biologists have made small but steady progress towards a deeper understanding of nature and life. A group of researchers decided...

Researchers conclude: Our DNA is more ‘Alien’ than we thought

Scientists believe that the new pieces of NON-HUMAN DNA were left by viruses that first infected our ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago. Using a set of highly sophisticated techniques which allowed them to compare key areas of each person’s genome to the ‘reference’...

Study shows Shroud of Turin has DNA from Around the World

The mysterious and controversial cloth has gotten even more mysterious as a new study has shown that the enigmatic cloth contains DNA from around the planet. It is believed to be by many as the burial cloth of Jesus, and the center of a debate...

Scientists have found an Alien code in our DNA

According to mainstream scientists: Alien code found in our DNA. Extraterrestrial beings created our species. Researchers who worked for 13 years in the Human Genome Project indicate that they came across an amazing scientific discovery: They believe that the so-called 97% of non-coding sequences in...

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