Tagged: dinosaurs

Dinosaurs Already In Decline Before Asteroid?

Some 66 million years ago, on the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico, a 12 kilometer-wide (7.5 mile-wide) asteroid crashes to Earth. The impact causes an explosion whose magnitude is hard to imagine today: several billion times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Most...

This ‘crazy beast’ that lived with the dinosaurs was unlike other creatures

The unusual 66-million-year-old mammal called Adalatherium “bends and even breaks a lot of rules,” researchers say. Scientists say they’re baffled by the strange appearance of a 66-million-year-old opossum-sized mammal dubbed the Adalatherium — which translates as “crazy beast.” “Knowing what we know about the skeletal...

Skull of rare dinosaur sheds light on creature’s bizarre hollow head tube

The duck-billed dinosaur Parasaurolophus is best known for the tube that grows out of its head, and the well-preserved skull offers more clues about the crest’s evolution. A spectacularly preserved partial skull belonging to the rare dinosaur species Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus has been discovered and analyzed...

Do intelligent dinosaurs really rule alien worlds?

It sounds like the ultimate science fiction storyline: What if the dinosaurs weren’t wiped out by an asteroid impact 65 million years ago? Perhaps they’d still be alive today, in an advanced evolutionary state, developing their space program and their own asteroid impact mitigation strategies....

Why Won’t Hollywood Depict Dinosaurs With Feathers?

It’s been about 66 million years or so since dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Most of us learned most of what we think we know about the ferocious beasts from the big screen. If you were a kid in the ’90s, for example, your earliest recollection...

Possible ‘Baby’ T. Rex Enters Dinosaurian Debate

Paleontology is a team sport,” observes Kyle Atkins-Weltman, a fossil preparator at the University of Kansas. For years now, the school’s paleo department has been prospecting the fossil-rich Hell Creek deposits of Montana. In June 2016, Kris Super, another preparator at KU, discovered some tiny...

How did dinosaurs leave tracks in solid stone?

If you were standing at the bottom of a sheer rock face looking at a crisscrossing array of dinosaur tracks high above your head, it might seem as though you were witnessing the impossible. On top of being preserved in solid stone, the tracks run...

Modern Dinosaur Discoveries

Beginning in the 1960s, a rising number of scientists turned to the study of dinosaurs as a career-despite the low pay. Also, more museums and universities developed dinosaur research programs. Since the ’60s, the number of known dinosaurs species has more than doubled, and our...

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