Tagged: asteroids

What’s The Difference Between Asteroids And Comets?

Asteroids and comets can usually be distinguished by what they’re made of, and by where they’re found in space. While both are small objects orbiting the sun – both created early in the history of the solar system, 4.5 billion years ago – there are...

A Space-Age Gold Rush? We Could Be Mining Asteroids by 2018

Flush from the successful launch of its first prototype spacecraft, a startup space mining company says it’s on track to send robotic prospectors to near-Earth asteroids in as soon as three years. “This is something that’s unfolding quickly, and it’s happening faster than people realize,”...

New Mystery Discovered Regarding Active Near-Earth Asteroid Phaethon

Surface of near-Earth asteroid Phaethon may reflect less light than previously thought, according to a new study. This is an exciting mystery for the recently approved DESTINY+ mission to investigate when it flies past Phaethon. Artist’s conception of polarized light reflected by near-Earth asteroid Phaethon....

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