Tagged: Ancient Egypt

Sacred Allignment: The Constellation of Orion and ancient Egypt

For thousands of years, the constellation of Orion has been tracked across the sky by numerous ancient cultures who studied the heavens since time immemorial. Based on the constellations and position of stars, the ancients built fascinating monuments, calendars, and ‘observatories’ that allowed them to...

Tomb Of Senenmut And Earliest Known Star Map In Ancient Egypt

The earliest known star map in Egypt was discovered more than eighty years ago and represent a main part of the tomb’s decoration; inside the tomb, there was also found a sketch of the tomb’s owner, later identified as Senenmut (Senemut). Senenmut was the steward...

How The Hyksos Invasion Of Ancient Egypt Changed History

In 1650 B.C, Egypt was invaded by a group of foreigners who according to the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus called themselves Hyksos. The Hyksos people were a mixed, West Asian people. The Hyksos established a powerful empire in large parts of ancient Egypt that lasted...

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