Tagged: aliens

Alien sightings: Where have UFOs been spotted?

WHETHER or not you believe in extraterrestrial life, there have been reported UFO sightings all around the world, right back through history. So where have these unidentified flying objects been spotted – and have any ever actually landed? Where have there been alien sightings? There...

Giant, scorching-hot alien planet has yellow skies

We can now add atmospheric craziness to WASP-79b’s already substantial exotic appeal. The gas-giant exoplanet, which lies about 780 light-years from Earth, circles extremely close to its bright host star, completing one orbit every 3.7 Earth days. That proximity makes WASP-79b scorching hot, with an...

UFO sightings over Eastriggs

  UFOs have been spotted in the skies over Eastriggs. Sightings of mysterious orbs, flying saucers and even Star Wars-style battleships have been reported to the Ministry of Defence in the last 17 years. Secret files, released by the MoD last week, show the most...