Tagged: alien world

How would rain be different on an alien world?

On Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, it rains on a regular basis. As with Earth, these rains are the result of liquid evaporating on the surface, condensing in the skies, and falling back to the surface as precipitation. On Earth, this is known as the hydrological...

Scientists identify 20 alien worlds most likely to be like Earth

Astronomers are narrowing the field in their search for a “second Earth.” An international team of researchers has identified the 20 most Earth-like worlds among the more than 4,000 exoplanet candidates that NASA’s Kepler space telescope has detected to date, scientists report in a new...

How a distant alien world was saved from an interstellar exile

A distant alien world that was potentially on its way into exile in interstellar space was rescued by the gravitational pull of a passing pair of stars, a new study argues. These findings support arguments that close stellar misses help sculpt planetary systems, the researchers...

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