Tagged: alien life

Australian telescope joins $100 million search for alien life

A $100 million search for intelligent alien life just added a big arrow to its quiver. Breakthrough Listen has begun using the Parkes radio telescope in Australia to scan the heavens, representatives of the ambitious, decade-long project announced Monday. The Parkes dish becomes the third...

Aliens are everywhere, says Ivy League professor

Alien life is behind the mysteries of the universe, according to a radical new theory. Ancient non-human lifeforms morphed into the physical world and are the driving force behind mind-boggling quantum physics and phenomena like dark matter, according to a Columbia University astrophysicist. The expert...

Alien Life Forms On Earth

According to Alissa Zhu, Earth houses some of the best evidence of space life – weird, adaptable, and way harder than mankind ever thought. Ancient idea called Panspermia believes that seeds of life survive everywhere in the vast Universe. Spread by stellar rocks and dust-like...

NASA Planet Hunters Estimate to Find Alien Life in 20 Years

Space program scientists believe that the mankind will soon discover evidence of alien life within 20 years from now. NASA has offered prediction that 100 million worlds in mankind’s Milky Way galaxy might be homes of extra-terrestrial life. The space agency has outlined a plan...