Tagged: abductions

The 1897 Cow Abduction Hoax

On April 23, 1897, a Kansas newspaper, the Yates Center Farmer’s Advocate, reported an incredible story. On the evening of April 19, local rancher Alexander Hamilton, his son, and a hired man saw a giant cigar-shaped UFO hovering above a corral near the house. Hamilton...

Alien Abductions: Are You in Good Hands?

About an hour into the 1997 sci-fi movie “Contact,” President Clinton gives a press conference announcing that a team of scientists, led by Jodie Foster’s fiery astronomer Dr. Ellie Arroway, has received a mysterious encoded message from the distant star system Vega. America, needless to...

Thinking Clearly About the Abduction Phenomenon

Part 1: Introduction  During a hypnotic regression early on in my research, an abductee told me that the aliens who had abducted her were deliberately shielding her from the shock of having to see what they looked like.* They were concerned about her emotional well-being and...

History of alien abduction Laura

Memoirs of Shadows by Laura Part 1: Introduction  From my earliest memory I knew beyond a doubt that my life was different than other children’s lives. I feared the visitors that would come to my bedroom unseen by my parents in the night. At the...

Alien abductions 2

The following cases show that abductions experiences can involve far more than pure fantasy. The first reported alien abduction during the modern UFO era occurred in 1957 and involved a Brazilian law student named Antonio Villas-Boas. In the morning of 16 October while ploughing on his parents’ ranch, he...

International officials Met with ETs

Did U.S. government and international representatives meet with extraterrestrials in November at a remote area in the Pacific? That is the interesting account put forward in an e-mail news and information service this week. Victor Martinez, a former U.S. government employee who coordinates the e-mail...

“The Monitors” – Alien Abductions

“The Monitors” – Abductions In the fifties, the EBEs, (Greys) began taking large numbers of humans for experiments. By the sixties, the rate was speeded up and they began getting careless. By the seventies, their true colors were very obvious, but the special group of...

Genetic agenda a double-cross?

Reprinted with permission by Elton Turner and Kelt Works, Inc. This article was originally published in The MUFON UFO Journal, #320 December 1994. Karla Kandace Turner, Ph.D. was a highly respected abduction researcher, author, lecturer, and teacher. She received her Bachelor’s degree from the University...

Eve Francis Lorgen. Story of abduction

“Reptilians, sometimes referred to as alligator men, are described as being negative, hateful, militaristic, and very sexual. They are often reported making sexual assaults on both males and females. Some abductees or reptilian contacts have reported that the reptiles, in black hooded robes and capes...

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