Static Camera Captures A Metallic Looking Item And Odd Looking UFO

A static camera allegedly captured a robot-like object and a UFO in separate images on the same day. Paranormal investigators are now looking at this claim.
The pictures were sent to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) for further analysis.
The witness who chose not to be named described the first object as metallic and has a human-like form, which allegedly vanished when the next photo was snapped within the same minute.
The witness claimed that the pictures he sent to the organization dedicated to UFO investigation are taken on a Moultrie trail camera. He said the wind had been blowing and the camera snapped multiple photos.
The unnamed witness was reportedly deleting photos when the human form caught his attention. He estimated it to be less than 200 feet from their house.
On the first picture, the human form is on the right side, and the second photo shows it is gone.
Around seven hours later, the same camera captured a rocket-shaped UFO. The witness described it to be too big to be a bird, and the shape was something he did not see before. The thing in the sky is also in the right of the picture.
MUFON is currently investigating the images.

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