Shoot Bigfoot In Texas? It’s Legal!

We don’t know if Bigfoot actually exists, but if you have one in your sights, you can pull the trigger — at least if you’re in Texas.
Some places like Skamania County, Washington, have outlawed the killing of a Sasquatch, according to The, but Texas apparently has no such decree preventing the hairy creature from being hunted.
The matter came up recently when Oregon-based Bigfoot buff John Lloyd Scharf contacted Texas Parks and Wildlife officials David Sinclair to see if he might have a fighting chance of hunting a Sasquatch without getting busted.
Turns out the way the law is written suggests it’s OK to turn Bigfoot into the biggest trophy that ever hung above a fireplace, according to Fox News.
One key question is whether the legendary monster can be considered exotic under the terms of the law.
“An exotic animal is an animal that is non-indigenous to Texas,” Sinclair told the network. “Unless the exotic is an endangered species, then exotics may be hunted on private property with landowner consent.”
“We’ve got hundreds of sightings going back decades. I don’t think we’d have any problem proving it’s indigenous,” Bryan Brown of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy told Fox News.
But having the right to kill something and actually doing it are two different things and some researchers like Craig Woolheater, who runs Cryptomundo, a website dedicated to cryptozoology, admit they’d have trouble pulling the trigger if they ran into a Bigfoot.
“I could never shoot one,” he told the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram. “But Bigfoot is like Tony Romo. Either you love him or you hate him. With Bigfoot, either you want to protect him or you want one as a specimen.”
Scharf told The Huffington Post that his initial reason for contacting the Texas Parks and Wildlife officials was to find out the state’s policy on all undiscovered animals, not just Bigfoot.
“I was told that no species that is undocumented is scientifically protected,” he told The Huffington Post. “I can’t believe there’s not a law. I don’t see a problem with taking DNA or tracking a creature, but hunting it? You might kill the last one.”
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly attributed a quote to John Scharf that was said by Bryan Brown of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy.

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