Scientific study reveals strange ‘artificial’ structures and passageways on the far side of the moon

A scientific study presented in the Journal of Space Exploration has found several anomalous structures on te far side of the moon. Scientists argue that unusual structures are artificial in nature, and are not the result of any known natural processes on the moon. So, if mother nature did not create these enigmatic structures, and humans have still not traveled to the far side of the moon, who created them?
A scientific study—published by members of the Society for Planetary SETI Research— in the Journal of Space Exploration make reference to certain unusual features on the far side of the moon—specifically the crater Paracelsus C.
The study titled “Image Analysis of Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C,” argues that the unusual structures are artificial in nature, and are not the result of any known natural processes on the moon.
So, if mother nature did not create these enigmatic structures, and humans have still not traveled to the far side of the moon, who created them?
The truth is that similar reports have been made throughout the years.
One of the first people to mention strange structures on the moon is a book written by Georga Leonard in 1976, titled: Somebody Else is on the Moon. 5 years after, Fred Steckling published another book titled We Discovered Alien Bases on The Moon, detailing curious formations on the surface of the moon.

As noted by experts in the study:
“Enormous quantities of lunar and planetary imagery are available to the public by way of the Internet. While enabling a “citizen science” approach to SETI, the availability of so much data also tends to generate new “discoveries” on a regular basis by those who want to discover something such as alien bases, towers, construction and other activities on the lunar surface. Although most of these findings turn out to be camera aberrations, image compression/transmission errors, image enhancement artifacts, or simply misinterpretations of unfamiliar surface features imaged in unfamiliar ways, some remain unexplained. A decidedly conservative mainstream scientific establishment often rejects anomalies based on subject matter alone, i.e., there cannot be alien artifacts on the moon because there are no alien artifacts on the moon (or other planets). Such a view is an example of circular reasoning, based on the belief that extraterrestrials do not exist, or if they do exist that they could not have traveled to our solar system.”
If we take a look at recent history we will come across the Clementine mission and comments made by Dr. John Brandenburg, who has a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics, who is working as a consultant at Morningstar Applied Physics LLC, and part-time instructor of Astronomy, Physics, and Mathematics at Madison College.
Brandenburg was involved in NASA’s Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was a joint space project where the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) participated together with NASA to do some research on the moon. The Clementine mission is important because it found there is water on the Moon’s poles.
According to Dr. Brandenburg:
“It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?”
“Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is an image of a mile wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defense community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.”
Dr. Brandenburg additionally stated that once the Clementine mission was completed, the images taken from the moon were analyzed by ‘an elite department team with the highest security clearance’:
“… They basically kept to themselves and just did their work, and we were told not to interfere with them…”
Interestingly, Brandenburg was also quoted saying that “We were aware there was a possibility of an unknown presence, possibly alien/extraterrestrial near the Earth…”
Brandenburg recounted one occasion: “…There I am sitting in a room of retired army and air force generals and a few admirals, and we’re watching what looks like a firefight in space. The most senior general there … turned to me and said, “Where do you think they’re from?” and I said, “I don’t know sir, I’ve heard they’re from 40 light years from here.”
In addition to Dr. Brandeburg, numerous other scientists and academics have come forward speaking about Alien life and UFOs, encouraged perhaps, by people like John Podesta, Theodor C. Loder III, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire who also said: “Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, ETs, etc…” And Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton physics professor who is quoted saying: “There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time…”
But Brandenburg—who has been heavily criticized because of his comments and views about aliens—wasnt the only one who spoke out.
In 1963—during the initial years of SETI—Carl Sagan spoke about the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation saying: “It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist, or even that some kind of base is maintained (possibly automatically) within the solar system to provide continuity for successive expeditions. Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of the Earth, it would be preferable not to erect such a base on the Earth’s surface. The Moon seems one reasonable alternative. Forthcoming high-resolution photographic reconnaissance of the Moon from space vehicles – particularly of the back side – might bear these possibilities in mind.” (source)
The study—which can be read here—argues that experts discovered seven Apollo 15, and four Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter images of the SAME structure on in the Crater Paracelsus C, on the far side of the moon.
The study analyzed several images taken at different times on the moon, with several sun angles, which allowed experts to predict an approximate shape of the unusual structures by using different computer models.
The 3D rendering allowed them to recreate what the objects look in their location—within the south-western quadrant—of the crater, which has an approximate area of 25 kilometers in diameter.
Researchers concluded:
“Based on the evidence presented in this paper we believe this area in Paracelsus C is one such candidate that is worthy of future study by orbital missions and surface rovers. Both of the features analyzed in this area are statistically different from the surrounding terrain. Feature A has a structure unlike any feature seen on the moon to date. Its relation with the surrounding terrain suggests an entrance and passageway that may lead underground based on 3D evidence, with signs of excavation on both sides of the feature. Feature B also appears unusual but was analyzed to a lesser extent.”
Source: Image Analysis of Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C
“Enormous quantities of lunar and planetary imagery are available to the public by way of the Internet. While enabling a “citizen science” approach to SETI, the availability of so much data also tends to generate new “discoveries” on a regular basis by those who want to discover something such as alien bases, towers, construction and other activities on the lunar surface. Although most of these findings turn out to be camera aberrations, image compression/transmission errors, image enhancement artifacts, or simply misinterpretations of unfamiliar surface features imaged in unfamiliar ways, some remain unexplained. A decidedly conservative mainstream scientific establishment often rejects anomalies based on subject matter alone, i.e., there cannot be alien artifacts on the moon because there are no alien artifacts on the moon (or other planets). Such a view is an example of circular reasoning, based on the belief that extraterrestrials do not exist, or if they do exist that they could not have traveled to our solar system.”

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