S01 E01 Ancient Aliens: The Evidence – Part 2

Read Part One of Ancient Aliens: The Evidence Here.
(Palm Springs, California) Master stonemason and sculptor Roger Hopkins uses a variety of advanced tools to cut and shape hard stones.
Powered implements such as diamond-tipped wires and polishers enable him to fashion works of art out of huge granite
blocks obtained from nearby quarries. Yet even with these high-tech tools, Hopkins cannot replicate what ancient civilizations accomplished thousands of years ago.
Could these advanced engineering methods be the smoking gun that proves humans had help from alien beings?
The precision on some of the work that I’ve seen is just incredible.
It’s possible to do by hand, but it would take an incredible amount of time. Plus, you have to have years of experience to be able to pull it off. In my opinion, the most tangible pieces of evidence that we have regarding possible extraterrestrial technology is when we look at the ancient stone-cutting techniques.
Because in some instances, we ourselves today could not replicate what our ancestors allegedly accomplished with stonemasonry.
Puma Punku is a large temple complex located on a high plateau in Bolivia.
Mainstream archeologists date the site from approximately The people who lived here had neither a written language nor the wheel, yet somehow they built one of the world’s most complex structures.
Ancient alien theorists view Puma Punku as clear proof of extraterrestrial influence.
The ruins we find at Puma Punku are simply extraordinary.
Puma Punku defies logic.
The interest of Puma Punku is not so much that the individual stones sorted together perfectly, but the fact that the stones, as such, are of such tremendous design that it requires concepts of mathematics which are far beyond anything we are actually using right now.
Yet somehow in the past, somebody has made that for a specific purpose, and in a way which even computer programs today would kind of go, how is this possible?
In the highlands of Bolivia, Puma Punku– some of these blocks are over What can you tell us about this?
Boy, they had their stone-cutting abilities pretty well fine-tuned for 5,000 years old. I mean, it’s almost unbelievable. But these cutting planes that they have on here are very impressive.
And some of the incised cuts– see, like in here, all these interior cuts– very hard to do.
I mean, it would be difficult for us with our equipment to get that kind of precision. Let’s talk a little bit about inside boxes.
That is a hell of a piece of work.I mean, if we were to do something like that today, we’d use– what they have, these computer-driven CNC machines which have diamond tips.
And you have a template that, you know, the computer follows. Even then, it may not come out as perfect. Because even though you can tell that obviously this piece broke off Mm-hmm.
Nowhere in here can you see any imperfection.
It’s like, and by the way, when you’re there, if you go with your finger over these edges, and you put a little pressure on your fingertip, you can cut yourself. This is how sharp the edges are. But where could the ancient peoples have developed such technology? Is it really possible that extraterrestrial visitors provided different construction methods and tools? When I saw these blocks, I didn’t really think that they were cut.
The first thing really that I thought of was this appears very similar to Frank Lloyd Wright’s textile block system of construction, which he used in his California houses in the early 1920s.
Now what he did was– he took concrete, poured it into molds. There actually are ancient Incan legends that suggest that they had the capability of softening the stone.
At Sacsayhuaman, for example, we find these gigantic stone blocks, gigantic stone walls, where it looks as if those stones were molten, put into place, and then the stone hardened again.
Several hundred miles north of Puma Punku, Machu Picchu sits high atop the Peruvian Andes.
Built by the Incas in the 15th century, this stone citadel was suddenly abandoned about 100 years later. Like Puma Punku, Machu Picchu also has signs of advanced engineering and possibly, molded stones.
I can’t help but think that whoever was behind this thought the process through from beginning to end. They didn’t quarry the rock, and then decide, “How the heck are we gonna transport this?”
They knew from beginning to end what needed to be done with whatever techniques and technology they were going to use, so that this was no big deal. In industry today, there’s a kind of an adage: “Keep it simple, stupid.”
Based on his experience, Mike Dunn believes the simplest way to build the great walls of Machu Picchu would have been to transport small rocks to the site, then melt them, and use molds to fashion exact size and shape needed. That would solve a lot of difficulties of constructing this wall.
First, you have your shapes, all the same size, each shape.
So, you’re guaranteed that they would fit together as opposed to being cut by different artisans.
Melting the rocks, and then pouring them into place would take an incredible amount of heat just to spool off pieces of stone. I have a stone torch which I use for sometimes shaping granite.
And, I mean, it generates a temperature of in excess of When we look back at the ancients, and we see a technology that they couldn’t possibly know, there’s only two possibilities then: either God did it– which we really don’t think happened– or some high-tech civilization from another planet came and showed them how to do it, then took their materials and tools and went back home.

The idea behind that is that none of these ancient monuments were constructed or manufactured by extraterrestrials. It was us humans who built it with extraterrestrial technology.
It’s entirely possible that there were visitations, that they pointed out ways to do things, and that they wanted to leave some kind of a record. I mean, if you’re going to leave a permanent record, the only way you can do that is in stone.
But if advanced beings from another planet really did bring their technology to Earth, might the ancient astronauts have left one of their tools behind?
The methods used to build huge megalithic structures such as Puma Punku and the pyramids of Egypt remain a mystery. But what about the tools used to build them?
Where are they? And might they provide a clue as to how these enormous stone structures were created?
A lot of the real ancient mysterious work was done at a time when there was no steel, and the copper they had was, yeah, they could harden it by cold-hammering it, but still, it wouldn’t make a dent in rocks like basalt and granite. So, they would have had to use, you know, much more laborious techniques they had some sort of advanced technology which escapes me, and I’ve been in the business 40 years.
The tools and machines must have been equal to the task of actually building the pyramids, crafting those statues to such a high order of precision crafting those boxes to a modern-day precision that you find in our inspection lab.
And the big question: Where are the tools?
In the late 19th century, British archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie scoured Egypt, looking not for the biggest items, but the smallest. Petrie was absolutely fascinated by the technical achievements of the Egyptians, particularly the early Egyptians. He constantly was looking for how they made things, how they developed things, how they continued to sort of basically perfect their tools.
We’re normally taught that the ancient Egyptians had simple tools, and what Petrie brought out is information that seems to actually argue against that notion. This is an example of a drill hole. You can see the very fine lines on it. You can see the technology that’s made to use it.
You can see how it’s a perfect hole almost all the way through, but it tapers at one end. This is a fragment of a diorite bowl. It’s one of the hardest substances, and you can see on this, on this fragment that there’s a, a lathe mark, which is really interesting that they managed to make such a mark in such a hard material.
Among all the tools discovered by Petrie, however, one stood out from all the rest.
While working inside the Great Pyramid, Petrie stumbled across a tubular drill made of granite.
Tubular drills amongst the ancient Egyptians were actually fairly common. I mean, Petrie found quite a few of them. The interesting thing about the one that he found in Giza is that it’s such hard stone that was so carefully carved, precisely grooved. As you can see, it’s got very, very fine markings on it, basically lines, literally a couple of millimeters apart.
You can see it goes all the way around very, very accurately, hardly any waves at all.
He was absolutely amazed by this. He kept returning to it throughout his life. His theory was that the Egyptians must have had access to diamonds or some kind of jewel that would have cut it.
The interesting thing about Petrie’s theory about how these drill lines are made was that he never discovered any diamonds in ancient Egypt.
So, where were they? Where did they go?
We don’t know.
If the ancient Egyptians didn’t possess diamonds, how were the precision grooves cut onto the granite drill? Did Petrie accidentally discover a tool made by extraterrestrials?
Machinist expert Chris Dunn attempted to answer this question by creating his own granite drill using the known tools and techniques of the ancient Egyptians. In order to test the Egyptologist theory about how the ancient Egyptians drilled into granite, I took a tube and I fixed a crank on it, and actually used sand and silicon carbide, and after many hours of turning and drilling into this piece of granite, finally got deep enough that I could actually pop a core out. And the reason for that was to actually look at the surface, not just of the whole, but of the core.
The next step was to use a high-tech industrial microscope to compare his drill core to a latex copy of the one at the Petrie Museum. We have under the microscope the core that we drilled with the copper tube and sand.
And as you can see, the surface of the core, the striations are not very clear.
There’s nothing really distinctive in terms of the feed of the tool marks using sand and, and copper.
Now bring in the latex that they took of the core in the Petrie Museum, and we see something totally different. The striations are very clear and they’re quite deep.
The devil is actually in the details, and the details of this particular artifact are what I consider to be a smoking gun in terms of what level of technology we give the ancient Egyptians credit for. Intrigued by his discovery, Chris Dunn performed other experiments using his precision instruments.
As you can see, this is an inspection surface plate, uh, probably ground to within 2/10,000 of an inch.
That is one-tenth the thickness of a human hair.
Now, I was really amazed when I went inside the Serapeum and put these gauges up against the surface and found them to be within what I consider to be the tolerance of these particular gauges.
If you would put a piece of paper under one edge of that blade– just a piece of paper– you begin to see that there was would be light leaking through.
And so, the precision on the inside of the granite boxes in the Serapeum are, I would say, within 2/1,000 of an inch, which is incredible because those tolerances can’t just appear by accident.
It was very shocking. It was astounding to me to go to Egypt and, uh, go into a facility that was supposedly same kind of precision.
I was amazed. I’ve seen evidence of the carvings on granite done in Egypt, and they did they did it with little shards of, uh of quartz. I believe they would have just scratched away the stone with that.
That that’s one possibility, but I mean, that’s a heck of a lot of work to do that. I mean, we’re talking, somebody would devote years to doing something like that.
But here is my point.
Here we have a real-life stonecutter– you. You see this, and there’s, like, smoke coming out of your head. Let’s put it this way– I had a client come in and ask me to do that, I wouldn’t do it for any amount of money because I’m not going to waste my life trying to replicate that.
But precision-cut stone monuments are not the only enduring Middle Eastern mysteries.
Engineering experts have also examined the Bible story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt.
Just how did they survive for 40 years in the desert?
Could they have possessed intricate machines with extraordinary abilities, used not for building, but for man’s own survival?
In the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Exodus describes how the Jewish people suffered as slaves living in Egypt. Then sometime in the 14th century BC, the ruling pharaoh feared their growing numbers and ordered the killing of all first-born Jews living in Egypt. In an effort to save her son, one mother put her child in a small basket and set him adrift on the Nile River. That child was found by the pharaoh’s family, who named him Moses and raised him as their own.
As an adult, Moses discovered his true identity and demanded that the Pharaoh free the Jews.
When the pharaoh rejected him, Moses helped the Jews escape from Egypt.
Historians believe that Moses and his people crossed the Red Sea and made their way into the Sinai Desert.
According to the ancient text, God grew angry at the Jews for idol-worshipping and forced them to wander the desert aimlessly for 40 years before allowing them to enter Israel. During this time, the Bible says the Israelites survived by eating a single food source: Manna. But what is manna?
A naturally abundant food provided by God or, as some believe? In the Bible, it explains how the Israelites got from Egypt, where they’d been slaves, to the Promised Land.
They had to cross the Sinai Desert. And inevitably, given that there was a lot of Israelites and very little growing, as it was a desert, they ran short on supplies.
God stepped in at this point and sent manna from heaven. This took the form of some kind of seeds that rained down upon the desert.
And then they were collected the next day. And they provided food for the Israelites, except Friday, when there was a double portion, because on Saturday, being the Sabbath, it didn’t fall.
While the Hebrew Bible fails to give a clear description of manna, another ancient Jewish text provides an alternative clue.
The Zohar is a collection of spiritual commentaries and interpretations of the Torah and is central to the mystical Kabbalah belief written in the 13th century.
The Zohar describes what is called the Ancient of Days as providing the manna, but what was this Ancient of Days? A man, a god or something else?
The text speaks of different-sized brains, different-sized faces that were connected with different tubes and different light sources. Theologians have suggested that this is a description of God.
However, when looked at from a modern perspective, what is described in the Zohar isn’t necessarily a god figure, but rather a type of machine. Intrigued by this information, two electrical engineers, George Sassoon and Rodney Dale, used the anatomical descriptions of the Ancient of Days to design what they called a manna machine. This really is-is the key diagram of the manna machine, as we built it up from the text.
For instance, one here is the mouth, but it’s actually the air intake, which carries what is described as the breath of life.
The air goes up this tube here, which is described as the-the brain of the Ancient One, but is actually a dew still.
So that although we’re talking about the great sea and the hairs of the beard and so on, at the same time, we were able to work out their relative positions and build out the specification of the machine and find that we had something that was biochemically viable.
The machine took in moist morning air and condensed it in the part of the machine that looked like a Plexiglas dome.
From there, it mixed with an algae culture.
The algae culture was treated with energy, such as a strong laser light, in order to speed the growth. Of course, it needed energy for cultivating the algae.
And this was produced, we postulate, in a small nuclear reactor, which would produce both heat and light as required. The manna machine was a very dangerous device.
We suspect that the reactor that powered the machine was transported in the Ark of the Covenant. We have multiple references in the Bible that whoever came close to the Ark of the Covenant and didn’t know how to operate it was smitten to death.
And sometimes people, after they encountered the Ark, started to lose their nails and started to lose their hair.
So, we have evidence of some type of radiation poisoning which was in direct correlation with the Ark of the Covenant.
And so, the Ark of the Covenant housed an extraterrestrial device which was given to the Israelites during their 40-year wandering through the desert.
The manna machine is believed to have supplied a highly nutritious form of green algae, or chlorella, as its food source. It’s yet another theory supported by modern science.
We found that work in the field of space travel had already been done, where the green algae– chlorella– was bred in tanks and fed to people living in a closed environment and kept them alive.
Research studies done by NASA in the 1960s and life could be sustained for extended periods of time by consuming chlorella algae and nothing else.
If it’s possible for astronauts to survive on algae, could the Israelites have done the same? The manna machine was a sensitive device. In order to function properly, it had to be cleaned once a week. On that day the machine was taken apart and cleaned. So, it’s possible that the Sabbath we have today actually originated from cleaning this machine.
One theory that one could put forward of course is that the machine, although they knew how to maintain it and make it produce the manna, that it did after a time pack up, not work anymore.
And that was why they came out of the desert. But if the Israelites’ survival depended upon the manna machine, where did they get it? Some believe they had stolen it from the Egyptians prior to their exodus.
Others suspect extraterrestrials gave it to them as a humanitarian gesture, to prevent their starvation in the desert. Either way, the answer, like the Ark of the Covenant, seems lost to history.
Today, scientists have successfully pioneered a process that produces a substance high in protein by means of solar energy, water vapor, and chlorella algae.
Could this be a duplication of alien technology from thousands of years ago?
They actually built a machine, a machine based on algae culture producing some type of super food.
And we can find a similar type of technology described in the Zohar. Is history repeating itself?
One of the big questions is “where did the machine come from?”
And I suppose there are two answers to that. Either it was built on Earth, which is a theory I can’t really subscribe to.
The other question of course is that it might have come from outer space somewhere.
Now, that’s quite a big leap of imagination, but of course the interesting part is that it actually produces food as is used by spacecraft. If the ancient world contained manna machines, giant mega-saws, and sophisticated aircraft, what was the energy source for all of this technology? The answer may be hiding in plain sight.
Of all the ancient structures located around the world, perhaps none is more mysterious or as enduring as the Great Pyramid at Giza.
At a height of 471 feet, the Great Pyramid stood as the tallest structure in the world until the completion of the Eiffel Tower in 1889.
But while other pyramids and temples contain walls filled with hieroglyphics describing their purpose, the Great Pyramid lacks even a single marking.
What was its function?
Why was it built?
And what secrets remain hidden inside?
Nobody has been able to explain the interior design of this pyramid. It simply doesn’t make sense, according to our logic. You have narrow tunnels that you have to crouch.
You emerge in grand galleries that are nine meters high. You have chambers that made of granite, where granite doesn’t come from in the area. You have to ship the granite by barges 600 miles away. It’s an anonymous site. Not a single inscription.
Not a single hieroglyph.
Not a single anything.
It’s just there.
Some people speculated that it was a temple and an initiation chamber, where people would go to the king’s chamber and become enlightened.
There are anecdotal reports about people who have been inside the pyramid and have come out absolutely shaken and– because it was haunted. Egyptologists believe that the pyramids were built to bury the dead pharaoh.
The problem with the accepted view is the fact that not a single dead pharaoh’s body has been found inside a pyramid, even when the pyramid was completely sealed, I.e. not a single grave robber could have entered it.
The Egyptologists say it’s to conceal the body. Well, why advertise it? I mean, there’s nothing more visible than a pyramid for miles.
And to this day, you would have thought, in this modern age, with all the knowledge we have, we should be able to explain this pyramid. We cannot explain this pyramid.
Engineering expert Christopher Dunn has been on a personal quest to unlock the secrets of the Great Pyramid since the late 1970s.
According to him, there are specific clues in the design and construction of this mega-monument that can help answer exactly why it was built. When you look at the Great Pyramid, and look at the culture that built it, they’re brilliant, brilliant engineers. In fact, a lot of engineers say we couldn’t build the Great Pyramid today.
And it was built, supposedly, and it was built to the precision of a machine.
When I started to do the research and I examined the Great Pyramid with the eye of functionality, um, it was built like a machine. Perhaps it functioned like a machine. The interior design of the Great Pyramid features four inclined air shafts emanating from the king’s chamber and the lower queen’s chamber.

Like the Great Pyramid itself, their presence and purpose cannot be easily explained. The difficulty of building those shafts is incredible. It’s a bit like building a chimney at an incline across a house.
I mean, as a construction engineer, it’s a nightmare. In 2002, a team of engineers and Egyptologists sent a small robot into one of the airshafts connected to the queen’s chamber.
After 65 meters, a stone door blocked its path. A hole was then drilled through it. On the other side was a small room with yet another door leading further up the shaft.
Since the discovery of the door, we’ve had every university, archeologist, anthropologist, every engineer you can think of– nobody has been able to explain the purpose of the shafts. But were these shafts ever open?
And if they were, what might they have been used for? The early explorers that went into the queen’s chamber found that the walls were coated with a layer of salt. That kind of gelled with a theory that I had developed.
You had a dilute hydrochloric acid solution coming down one shaft and hydrated zinc coming down the other shaft and when they combined in the queen’s chamber, they created hydrogen.
It is one of the most powerful energy sources in the universe.
In the mid-19th century, it was hydrogen gas that helped lift some of mankind’s first airships, called zeppelins, into the sky. Today, it is used as a fuel to launch rockets into space.
And if, thousands of years ago, the Great Pyramid was actually producing hydrogen, that would make it one of the earliest power plants known to man.
The Giza power plant theory is essentially the drawing of energy from the Earth through the Great Pyramid and converting that energy into microwave energy.
So, the chemicals actually come in through the shafts into the queen’s chamber, and then they combine and mix and hydrogen boils off. The hydrogen is then lighter than air and it will flow into all the upper chambers. The energy from the earth is then vibrating the whole pyramid.
The vibrations are picked up in the Grand Gallery.
So, I proposed the Grand Gallery was a resonator hall and there are 27 pair of slots that actually go up the length of the gallery and then the resonators were mounted in there vertically.
Christopher Dunn is theorizing that with resonating galleries, the pyramid shot a microwave out of one of the shafts, and once you started up this power plant, it would have gone on for years, decades, even hundreds of years without stopping and creating the microwave.
And that was a usable energy that could be captured. Now we can speculate where it goes from there. It could be collected in the immediate vicinity or it could keep traveling off into space.
We don’t know. That’s the mystery. But if the Great Pyramid was actually a power plant producing energy, was it doing it alone, or was it part of a larger network?
And are there any clues that could tell us what all of that energy was being used for? Perhaps the 20th century’s most influential inventor was a Serbian-American named Nikola Tesla. His patents on alternating electrical currents and distribution helped establish the commercial electricity industry.
He also made contributions to robotics, radar, and computer science.
But while Tesla can be credited for many scientific advances, one idea that fell short was his attempt to create a wireless electrical grid. Tesla’s project was to have these towers around the United States and around the world.
And they would broadcast electricity like a television station. Instead of having to string power lines all over the place, you just transmit the energy through the air or through the ground.
There were a number of demonstrations of this device for wireless power transmission during Tesla’s lifetime.
So, we know the device worked. It appears that he was using the conductivity of the ground or the air to carry the electric current. Basically in the air, if you put enough voltage on it, you’ll get an arc across it.
I mean, you see that all the time in a fluorescent light bulb.
In the ground you have water, minerals, salts that can also carry the ions along, and therefore carry the electric current.
But while Tesla’s power towers proved popular in theory, the project ended in financial failure. But could Tesla’s idea of wireless electricity have been a rediscovery of an ancient technology?
I believe that what Tesla was doing was trying to recreate what was an ancient power system that was used around the world, and the way they did this was the use of obelisks.
Obelisks as monolithic, granite towers, which are one solid piece of crystal, and the obelisks themselves were cut to special sizes and tuned like a tuning fork.
Could these ancient broadcast towers really have sent electricity up into the atmosphere?
And if so, how was the electricity generated?
Each of these obelisks would have required some kind of generating power station similar to what we have today. Electricity is created by rotating magnetic fields.
So rotating magnetic fields generate AC power.
The very first power station was built by Nikola Tesla at Niagara Falls. You’ve got to have some sort of power that’s spinning the rotating fields, and in this case would be water.
So, every obelisk would have had to have had a power station similar to like the one at Niagara Falls. It’s generating power, but the obelisk itself is putting the power into the atmosphere, making it useable.
And this is similar to Christopher Dunn’s theory of the Giza power plant because he believes that the Great Pyramid was actually sending a microwave beam to a satellite that was in orbit around the planet.
That satellite then could have been taking microwave power and then it could transmit it again, in theory, to some other location on the earth, such as, say a remote island like Easter Island or something like that.
From some of the descriptions of ancient flying machines, it’s possible that some form of power beaming might have been used.
And in fact, for a lot of the schemes that you see, it actually would make a lot of sense because you could put the power beaming station on a mothership in orbit.
You’re just beaming energy to the vehicle, where it’s absorbed and turned into propulsion thrust. It actually makes a lot of sense because you’re taking the energy system, the power system, off of the vehicle and locating it remotely.
Electricity power tools mega-machinery and the ability to explore the heavens Have these technologies been available for just the past few centuries?
Or are they of ancient origin, only recently rediscovered? Were our ancestors capable of these incredible achievements?
Or might they have come from another source, one much more out of this world?
Civilizations were much more advanced than we give them credit, and literally, as advanced as we are today. In my view, we need to take this seriously simply because of the scale of the work.
We’re looking at monuments that took, perhaps, a century to build.
Even today, we have difficulty in considering such a project. It just boggles the mind.
And really, to look at those artifacts and to go back in time and say, how did they do it? We are kind of cracking the lid open a little bit and looking inside to try and see just what happened in our history.
It’s a question which is a scientific question.
And you constantly have to ask it.
And the possible answer of have aliens visited in the past could be a potential yes. It’s a very specific reason why all of this stuff was built in stone: For posterity.
So it would last. So that a future generation would have to stumble across these monuments.
We are that society who can look at these ancient monuments and finally recognize that all of this stuff was built as a message for us to see that our past is way different than what we’re being taught in school.
NOTE: This article is an edited version of episode one, season one, of the TV Series Ancient Aliens. Our editors worked hard to correct out any mistakes, and arrange the context so that our readers can enjoy reading through the episodes, without having to watch them. I believe that when you read through these episodes, you can imagine (reconstruct) what the participants of the Series were trying to say in a much more efficient, a much richer way.

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