Photos From 2021’S Eta Aquariid Meteor Shower
Aquariid on May 6, 2021. She wrote: “I knew that the Eta Aquariid meteor shower was going to peak this morning. I took a nap, not setting my alarm. If I was awoken I would go out. 3 was peak viewing. I awoke at 2 am. Ezra and I head out. Not going too far from home. I knew there was going to be a ton of light pollution. But, it didn’t matter. I just needed to be under the stars. Needing to feel small. Needing to know that the G-d of the Universe is in control of everything. Getting there right before 3 am, I set up my camera. Super damp out! Glad I have my lens warmer. With everything set up, I just keep taking photo after photo hoping to capture a glimpse of a meteor. I see a couple meteors with my eyes, but they don’t show up in the photo … That’s okay. I keep snapping away,talking out loud to the Creator of the Universe, just Ezra and I. As I was talking, this shot was taken.” Thank you, Mary Jo!
Nearly vertical star cloud with small streak of white.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Chicky Leclair in Vanderpool, TX, captured this photo of an Eta Aquariid on May 6, 2021. He wrote: “Drove out to class 3 dark sky to shoot the Milky Way and caught one of the meteors.” Thank you, Chicky!
Blue background with short, thin streak of light blue against scattered stars.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Kathie O’Donnell in Rapid City, South Dakota, captured this photo of an Eta Aquariid slicing through the Big Dipper on May 4, 2021. She wrote: “On the hunt for Eta Aquariids from the back porch again. I witnessed one meteor around 12:18 a.m. GoPro picked this one up at 2:57 a.m., followed by another one at 4:04 a.m. May the 4th be with you!” Thank you, Kathie!
Bottom line: The Eta Aquariid meteor shower peaks from May 3 through May 6 in 2021, and readers are sending us their best photos. If you have a great shot to share, send it to EarthSky Community Photos!