Peru’s Government UFO Agency Officially Reactivated After Increase In Sightings

Peru’s official UFO investigation department is now back in business, and its government is soliciting information from the public after an increase of sightings.
The Peruvian Office of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research (OIFAA) — which was shut down for the last five years — will seek the expertise of air force personnel, sociologists, archaeologists and astronomers to analyze as much information as possible about UFOs, reports.
For those “who observe seemingly unconventional phenomena, which cause surprise or concern, know that there is an institution that will study and research your information,” said Peru air force Col. Julio Jose Vucetich Abanto, who is in charge of the Directorate of Aerospace Interests.
The OIFAA was originally set up in 2001, but closed after seven years because of administrative issues. But other South American countries — including Chile, Brazil and Argentina — have ongoing UFO investigative agencies.
Vucetich told the press over the weekend that the Peruvian UFO agency is coming back to life due to “increased sightings that are occurring in the country and that people are reporting to media.”
Media reports indicate that citizens of the central Andes town of Marabamba have been spotting luminous objects in the sky for several days.
Watch this UFO video taken at Marabamba, Peru, on March 23, 2013:
South America has an open-minded attitude about UFOs. Government officials don’t tend to shy away from, downplay or even ridicule reports that come from local citizens.
From a historical perspective, other countries have taken the opposite public stance on UFOs.
In 1969, after more than 20 years investigating over 12,000 UFO sightings, the U.S. Air Force ended its study, known as Project Blue Book, claiming that no evidence ever presented “technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge.”
Since then, former American military personnel have come forward strongly suggesting how some UFOs represent an advanced form of technology. In fact, ex-Air Force Col. Charles Halt even accused the federal government of covering up UFOs and continuing its investigation into the phenomenon via a secret agency, unknown to the public.
Across the pond, the British Ministry of Defense deliberately ridiculed UFOs during its own 50-year investigation.
The British government reportedly established an internal policy which downplayed UFO reports and the people who reported them. A former U.K. MOD officer, Nick Pope, told The Huffington Post exclusively in 2011 that he was part of a behind-the-scenes strategy, known as “spin and dirty tricks.”
“We couldn’t say, ‘There’s something in our air space; pilots see them; they’re tracked on radar; sometimes we scramble jets to chase these things, but we can’t catch them.’ This would be an admission that we’d lost control of our own air space, and such a position would be untenable. We were telling the public we’re not interested, this is all nonsense, but in reality, we were desperately chasing our tails and following this up in great detail.”
It’s quite a contrast to Peru and other countries that welcome UFO reports with open arms.

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