Most Complex And Largest Virtual Universe Ever Simulated By Astrophysicists In Switzerland
Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries of the Universe. The European Euclid mission, which starts in 2020 will shed light on this mystery by mapping the geometry of the dark Universe.
Using one of the world’s largest and most powerful supercomputers, astrophysicists from the University of Zurich have simulated the largest and most complex virtual universe.
This new computer model is like a gigantic catalogue of about 25 billion virtual galaxies that has been generated from 2 trillion digital particles. The challenge of this simulation was to model galaxies as small as one tenth of the Milky Way, in a volume as large as our entire observable Universe.
It will serve on board the Euclid satellite that will be launched in 2020. The Euclid satellite’s important goal is investigating the nature of dark matter and dark energy.
About 95 percent of the Universe is dark. The cosmos consists of 23 percent of dark matter and 72 percent of dark energy.
Therefore, astrophysicists’ great hope is the Euclid satellite, which will be launched in 2020.