Monstrous Controversy Rages Over Loch Ness UFO Photos

A family vacationing in the Scottish Highlands overlooking Loch Ness, the famous home of an alleged prehistoric animal (or animals), recently produced a photograph that showed something unusual-looking above the water (see above image).
In our first story about this, we introduced Alan and Anna Betts, who didn’t know they had the image until they returned to their UK home and were looking through their vacation pictures. One shot, taken by Anna’s mother, revealed that pair of disc-shaped objects.
The Betts maintained the picture was taken outdoors and there were no lights on in the house at the time.
Enter Mick West, creator of the site, who offered an analysis of the Betts’ photo, claiming that the UFO image had been taken from indoors, and the resulting picture was nothing more than a dual reflection of a room lamp and also a reflective window curtain.
Then, in our previous story update, we suggested the only way to truly solve the mystery of how and where the original photo was taken would be for someone to go back to that Loch Ness holiday cottage and take new pictures to try and recreate the UFO event.
West contacted the owner of the Bunloit Farmhouse — the cottage at the center of the controversy — and asked her to take some up to date pictures from indoors, looking out at Loch Ness. The following image is one of those new shots.
“I asked her to take a picture from the same position pointing in the same direction,” West told The Huffington Post. “In the original photo, you can see the direction they’re looking in, toward the loch. And I asked her to try to get some reflection of the light and to take a video, if possible, so you could see the relative position of things.”
West acknowledges that the cottage owner (who wishes to remain anonymous) actually moved the lamp closer to the window, which makes it appear larger than the original “UFO” image that started this all.
“It isn’t a 100 percent recreation, but you can tell by the comparison that obviously, that’s what the original was — the same shape and color and everything. It’s just bigger in the recreation,” West said.
In the image below, at left is a close-up of the original photo taken by the Betts family. At right is one of the more recent pictures, which seems to show a reflected lamp.
So, who’s right and who’s wrong? The Betts say the picture was taken outdoors, and West claims the photos prove otherwise.
Has this UFO mystery been solved to everyone’s satisfaction? To YOUR satisfaction?

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