Is the cosmos telling us the end is near?

Does God use the sun, moon, and stars to communicate with the faithful? For centuries believers have questioned if He uses the heavens to announce things to come for humankind.

Fox News Chief Religion Correspondent Lauren Green asked Cornerstone Church Pastor John Hagee about the significance of four blood moons and whether they are prophecy from God. Hagee explains this in his new book, “Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change.”

The next four blood moon tetrad falls on the Jewish holy days of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacle. This is set to happen starting in April 2014. It is the only the fourth time in the last five hundred years.

“To have a blood moon and then for those blood moons to be on this exact date is something that is just beyond coincidental,” said Hagee.

Hagee says a total solar eclipse in March 2015 happening in the middle of the four blood moons is also quite significant.


“The Bible very clearly says … the day of the Lord will be as when the sun refuses to shine,” said Hagee. “It is repeated by Jesus Christ in the book of Luke.”

Interpretation is up for debate if the next four blood moons will bring about the end of times. Hagee believes that it has already begun.

“Technically, the end times began with the outpouring of Pentecost 2,000 years ago,” said Hagee. “We have been in the end times a long time.”

Hagee says that any change brought by the four blood moons will impact Israel.

He references three previous dates as examples of that. They include the expulsion of the Jews from Spain (1492), the years right after Israel was declared a nation-state (1949-50), and the Six-Day War (1967).

“Each time it has gone from tragedy to triumph,” said Hagee.

Believers wonder if there is a way to predict whether the end will come after the next four blood moons in 2014-2015. According to Hagee, “there are a sequence of Prophetic events that the Bible says will happen but it does not give a when.”

“This is something that the Bible using the sun, the moon, and the stars as a communication system to humanity says something is about to change and world history is going to change forever,” said Hagee.

Watch the full interview with Pastor John Hagee above.

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