Human or not? Bikers in Indonesia film a mysterious humanoid creature

A group of motorcyclists riding on the dusty roads near Banda Aceh, north of Sumatra Island, came across a ‘humanoid being’ of very short height who has been identified by some as a possible member of a mythical tribe of Pygmies which were not seen from since the 17th century.
In the video footage of the ‘close encounter’, one of the bikers falls as he tries to evade the mysterious being as it crosses its path, coming out of the forest.
Shortly after, his colleagues chase after what appears to be a small semi-naked humanoid armed with a wooden pole, who manages to swiftly escapes into the high grasslands along the side of the road.
Trying not to lose the mystery humanoid, the bikers step off of their bikes and enter the grasslands on foot, finding only the wooden object the supposed pygmy carried.
According to reports from Mail Online, members of the “mythical” Mante tribe are said to be much shorter than an average man, not more than five feet tall.
The only evidence of this tribe can be traced back to the 17th century when two of these pygmies were captured and presented to the Sultan.
Since then, no one has heard of this mystery tribe. Many believe that they had officially disappeared although many suggest they were not seen since the 17th century, perhaps because—according to the local folklore account—they are a very closed community and tend to flee from all contact with the “civilized man”.
According to experts, at least seven tribes still live in the northern province of Aceh. Curiously, there has STILL not been any scientific expeditions to establish the presence of the tribe.
Are these mystery beings descendants of the hobbit?
Interestingly, in 2003, the remains of an ancestral species different from modern humans were discovered on the island of Flores in Indonesia, on the other side of the archipelago where the alleged pygmy was observed in the filming.
Archaeological evidence showed an antiquity of between 95,000 and 17,000 years for these mystery beings, as well as an average height not exceeding one meter, which earned these ‘creatures’ the nickname of hobbits.
Curiously, this discovery generated an unprecedented anthropological debate that still persists today. Part of the scientific community continues to cling to the idea that the hobbit is not a different species; and argue on the other hand, that it is a human with anatomical anomalies resulting from the phenomenon of dwarfism.

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