Category: Alien encounters
[Editors note: This abduction in the Hudson Valley area of New York is unique in that it describes the use, by the aliens, of a force field in the home, along with a special hand held tool that gives off a green light, which enables...
Whitley Strieber is one of the most well known UFO researchers in the area of alien abduction, and alien implants. His well known book, “Communion” is a UFO classic. It was also made into a movie by the same name. In upper state New York...
MR. WLADYSLAW CASE SUMMARY Grzegorz Domanski from Legnica UFO Research Club relates a story of an abductee from Legnica area, involving several dozens of abductions performed by unidentified beings and their after-effects. Wladyslaw S. multiple encounters with ET beings resulted in his interest in ecology...
In November and December 1980, the eastern side of Britain was experiencing a major UFO sighting wave. There were chases of UFOs by police cars near the coast, a UFO that overflew an oil rig in the North Sea, and the wave culminated in the...
Businessman Pablo R. was returning from a late meeting on an isolated curvy road when he sees an intense light up ahead and immediately thinks it is another vehicle with its high beams on. Suddenly the light is hidden behind a hill and moments later...
(The 9th Alleged ET Implant Removal By Dr. Roger Leir & Team) Tim Cullen is a hard working cement contractor from Yuma, Colorado. He was raised there, and resides with his wife Janet, and three daughters. Three things happened to Cullen in 1978 that changed...
The Event: The Allagash Waterway is a series of lakes and canals in the breathtaking mountains of Maine. This lovely area would be the site of one of the most discussed and best documented alien abduction cases on record. A dramatized version was featured on...
Preface The authenticity of UFO cases is usually judged by the respectability of its reporters, especially those dealing with abductions. That being the case, the report of an extraordinary series of events from three women from Stanford, Kentucky is highly regarded. It would be on...
The UFO phenomena is generally given little if any serious consideration by those engaged in credible scientific studies. Without a doubt many so-called UFO sightings can easily be dismissed as misidentified craft, stars, planets, or just plain hoaxes perpetrated by thrill or money seeking individuals.Many...
Alamogordo, New Mexico would be the location of a UFO encounter involving Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody on August 13, 1975. Moody was in the desert observing a meteor shower at about 1:15 A.M. when he saw a glowing, metallic, disk-shaped object falling toward...