Black triangle UFO over London has ‘digital glitch’

London, England. Credit: Google

A British witness at London reported watching a black, triangle-shaped object “about two-to-three times the size of an A380 passenger jet moving overhead, according to testimony in Case 92298 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness and his wife were standing in their backyard having a cigarette at 11:30 p.m. on May 1, 2018.

“Jupiter was very low in the sky and we were wondering what it was?” the witness stated. “We got out my phone and used the Skyview app to work it out. We both commented on the fact that we hadn’t ever remembered seeing Jupiter or if we had, we didn’t know that’s what it was. London skies are always full of passenger aircraft coming into land at Heathrow and we are on one of the flight paths they use. The planes come in from the east over our house and then head out west before they turn north towards Heathrow airport. You can always hear them. This black triangle object with round lights on each of its three corners and one central light that was reddish orange in color appeared in the west.”

The witness said the object was about two-to-three times the size of an A380 passenger jet.

“It flew right over us in one fluid motion, in a slight arch. It rotated slowly as it moved across the sky. It probably made one full rotation in the time we witnessed it. It flew from the west horizon to the northeast horizon in about 8-10 seconds. It was completely silent. The sky was completely clear. There were no clouds and the stars were very visible. We both watched this object come in and pass right over us both. We both knew exactly what we had both seen. It was like watching a silent fiction movie or one of those UFO TV shows, but real life. We both just watched it until it wasn’t visible anymore, then looked at each other both with shocked but excited faces and said, ‘what was that.’ Then we both said together, ‘that was a UFO for sure,’ We both knew exactly what we had seen. We are in the photography/film industry. We use our eyes for our job. This object was so clearly a solid structure, but it also had a film static kind of shimmer to the underside of it, a bit like digital glitch. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it was like its cloaking device was switching on or switching off. This was so incredibly strange and overwhelming it has most defiantly changed our view on UFOs.”

United Kingdom MUFON Field Investigator Karl Webb closed this case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.

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