Best NASA UFO FOOTAGE EVER! – UFO Fleet.Space Station Fly By! Same as UFO’s showing up worldwide

In the last few years, there has been a major escalation in UFO sightings. Orbs of light, often in triangular formation, have been appearing all over the world. It is obvious that they are not flares, balloons, or Chinese lanterns. There truly are only two possibilities: they are in fact some form of extra-terrestrial spacecrafts, or they are military.

Here’s why they aren’t military:

1. The technology is too advanced. These are not solid triangular crafts, they are individual orbs of light. They are clearly employing anti-gravity technology. There are many videos and eyewitness accounts in which they are seen accelerating at high rates of speed and maneuvering in ways that suggest a level of technology hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of ours.

2. The exact same orbs have been appearing since at least the 1940s(see: foo fighters), when we definitely didn’t have the technology to produce such a craft. There have been many, many sightings of these orbs(not to mention huge triangles and disk-shaped crafts) by highly credible witnesses all throughout the century.

We are being observed by beings from other planets. And is it really so surprising? There are 200 billion other solar systems just in our Milky Way Galaxy. There is life everywhere!

And what is so interesting and amazing is that they are not simply observing us from afar. They are intentionally appearing for us to see. They want us to see them. Why? What is the purpose?

Could it be they are attempting to wake us up to the reality that we are but one of many, many, intelligent civilizations in the Universe? If so, why don’t they just land and talk to us?

Perhaps they understand it isn’t best to force it upon us all at once. First contact is a very shocking thing. We need to time to absorb the reality of it. To get over the shock and disbelief.

These orb triangle appearances are part of a process designed to help us get over the shock and disbelief before they formally introduce themselves. These beings understand human psychology very well. They know what they are doing.

The question is: are they going to “arrive” at some predetermined date, or are they waiting for us to reach out to them in some way first? Or are they just waiting for our awareness to reach a certain level?

Whatever the answer, what we need to do is continue to raise awareness about this new reality, while also thinking of ways to reach out to them in peace and in unity.

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